
class jvconnected.utils.IndexedDict(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: pydispatch.dispatch.Dispatcher

A dict like container that tracks indices for its items

on_item_added(key=key, item=item, index=index_)

Fired when an item is added

on_item_removed(key=key, item=item, index=index_)

Fired when an item is removed

on_item_index_changed(key=key, item=item, old_index=cur_index, new_index=new_index)

Fired when an item’s index changes

add(key: Any, item: Any, index_: int = - 1)int[source]

Add an item

  • key – The dictionary key

  • item – The dictionary value

  • index – The index for the item. If -1, the item will be appended to the end, otherwise it will be inserted at the specified index


The inserted item’s index

Return type


remove(key: Any)[source]

Remove an item


key – The dictionary key


The item that was removed

change_item_index(key: Any, new_index: int)[source]

Change the index for an existing item. If necessary, change indices for any conflicting items

  • key – the dictionary key

  • new_index (int) – New index for the item

compact_indices(start_index: int = 0, max_change: int = 1)[source]

Remove gaps in indices

  • start_index (int, optional) – The index to start from

  • max_change (int, optional) – Limit index changes to this amount

keys() → Iterator[Any][source]

Return an iterator of the dictionary keys, sorted by the item indices

values() → Iterator[Any][source]

Return an iterator of the dictionary values, sorted by the item indices

items() → Iterator[Tuple[Any, Any]][source]

Return an iterator of the dictionary key, value pairs, sorted by the item indices

iter_indices(start_index: int = 0) → Iterator[int][source]

Iterate through sorted indices starting from the one given


start_index (int, optional) – The starting index, defaults to 0

iter_consecutive_indices(start_index: int = 0) → Iterator[int][source]

Iterate through sorted indices starting from the one given, but stop at the first gap


start_index (int, optional) – The starting index, defaults to 0

get(key: Any, default: Optional[Any] = None)[source]

Get an item by key

get_by_index(index_: int, default: Optional[Any] = None)[source]

Get an item by index

  • index (int) – The item index to get

  • default (optional) – The default to return if no item exists with the given index, defaults to None

get_item_index(key: Any)int[source]

Get the index for the given key

class jvconnected.utils.NamedItem(key: Any, item: Any)[source]

Bases: object

Helper class for NamedQueue

key: Any

The item key

item: Any

The item itself

class jvconnected.utils.NamedQueue(maxsize=0, *, loop=None)[source]

Bases: asyncio.queues.Queue

A asyncio.Queue subclass that stores items by user-defined keys.

The items placed on the queue must be instances of NamedItem. For convenience, there is a create_item() contructor method.

classmethod create_item(key: Any, item: Any)jvconnected.utils.NamedItem[source]

Create a NamedItem to be put on the queue

async put(item: jvconnected.utils.NamedItem)[source]

Put a NamedItem into the queue.

If the queue is full, wait until a free slot is available before adding item.

If an item with the same key already exists in the queue, it will be replaced.

put_nowait(item: jvconnected.utils.NamedItem)[source]

Put an item into the queue without blocking.

If no free slot is immediately available, raise QueueFull.

async get()jvconnected.utils.NamedItem[source]

Remove and return an item from the queue.

If queue is empty, wait until an item is available.


Remove and return an item from the queue.

Return an item if one is immediately available, else raise QueueEmpty.