Source code for jvconnected.device

from loguru import logger
import asyncio
from enum import Enum, auto

from pydispatch import Dispatcher, Property, DictProperty, ListProperty

from jvconnected.devicepreview import JpegSource
from jvconnected.client import Client, ClientError
from jvconnected.utils import NamedQueue

[docs]class Device(Dispatcher): """A Connected Cam device Arguments: hostaddr (str): The network host address auth_user (str): Api username auth_pass (str): Api password id_ (str): Unique string id hostport (int, optional): The network host port Properties: model_name (str): serial_number (str): resolution (str): api_version (str): parameter_groups (dict): Container for :class:`ParameterGroup` instances connected (bool): Connection state device_index (int): The device index error (bool): Becomes ``True`` when a communication error occurs :Events: .. event:: on_client_error(self, exc) Fired when an error is caught by the http client. The first argument is the :class:`Device` instance and the second argument is the :class:`Exception` that was raised """ model_name = Property() serial_number = Property() resolution = Property() api_version = Property() device_index = Property(0) connected = Property(False) error = Property(False) parameter_groups = DictProperty() _events_ = ['on_client_error'] def __init__(self, hostaddr:str, auth_user:str, auth_pass:str, id_: str, hostport: int = 80): self.hostaddr = hostaddr self.hostport = hostport self.auth_user = auth_user self.auth_pass = auth_pass self._devicepreview = None self.__id = id_ self.client = Client(hostaddr, auth_user, auth_pass, hostport) self._poll_fut = None self._poll_enabled = False self._is_open = False for cls in PARAMETER_GROUP_CLS: self._add_param_group(cls) attrs = ['model_name', 'serial_number', 'resolution', 'api_version'] self.bind(**{attr:self.on_attr for attr in attrs}) self.request_queue = NamedQueue(maxsize=16) @property def id(self): return self.__id @property def devicepreview(self) -> JpegSource: """Instance of :class:`jvconnected.devicepreview.JpegSource` to acquire real-time jpeg images """ pv = self._devicepreview if pv is None: pv = self._devicepreview = JpegSource(self) return pv def _add_param_group(self, cls, **kwargs): pg = cls(self, **kwargs) assert not in self.parameter_groups self.parameter_groups[] = pg return pg def __getattr__(self, key): if hasattr(self, 'parameter_groups') and key in self.parameter_groups: return self.parameter_groups[key] raise AttributeError(key)
[docs] async def open(self): """Begin communication with the device """ if self._is_open: return await await self._get_system_info() self._poll_enabled = True self._poll_fut = asyncio.ensure_future(self._poll_loop()) self._is_open = True self.connected = True
[docs] async def close(self): """Stop communication and close all connections """ if not self._is_open: return self._is_open = False self._poll_enabled = False logger.debug(f'{self} closing...') pv = self._devicepreview if pv is not None and pv.encoding: await pv.release() await self._poll_fut for pg in self.parameter_groups.values(): await pg.close() await self.client.close() logger.debug(f'{self} closed') self.connected = False
async def _get_system_info(self): """Request basic device info """ resp = await self.client.request('GetSystemInfo') data = resp['Data'] self.model_name = data['Model'] self.api_version = data['ApiVersion'] self.serial_number = data['Serial'] @logger.catch async def _poll_loop(self): """Periodically request status updates """ async def get_queue_item(timeout=.5): try: item = await asyncio.wait_for(self.request_queue.get(), timeout) except asyncio.TimeoutError: item = None return item async def do_poll(item): if item is not None: command, params = item.item logger.debug(f'tx: {command}, {params}') await self.client.request(command, params) await self._request_cam_status(short=True) self.request_queue.task_done() else: await self._request_cam_status(short=False) while self._poll_enabled: item = await get_queue_item(timeout=.5) try: await do_poll(item) except ClientError as exc: asyncio.ensure_future(self._handle_client_error(exc)) break async def _request_cam_status(self, short=True): """Request all available camera parameters Called by :meth:`_poll_loop`. The response data is used to update the :class:`ParameterGroup` instances in :attr:`parameter_groups`. """ resp = await self.client.request('GetCamStatus') data = resp['Data'] # coros = [] for pg in self.parameter_groups.values(): # coros.append(pg.parse_status_response(data)) try: pg.parse_status_response(data) except Exception as exc: import json jsdata = json.dumps(data, indent=2) logger.debug(f'data: {jsdata}') logger.error(exc) raise @logger.catch async def _handle_client_error(self, exc: Exception): logger.warning(f'caught client error: {exc}') self.error = True self.emit('on_client_error', self, exc) async def send_web_button(self, kind: str, value: str): await self.queue_request('SetWebButtonEvent', {'Kind':kind, 'Button':value})
[docs] async def queue_request(self, command: str, params=None): """Enqueue a command to be sent in the :meth:`_poll_loop` """ item = self.request_queue.create_item(command, (command, params)) await self.request_queue.put(item)
def on_attr(self, instance, value, **kwargs): prop = kwargs['property']'{} = {value}') def __repr__(self): return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}: "{self}">' def __str__(self): return f'{self.model_name} ({self.hostaddr})'
[docs]class ParameterGroup(Dispatcher): """A logical group of device parameters Arguments: device (Device): The parent :class:`Device` Properties: name (str): The group name Attributes: _prop_attrs (list): A list of tuples to map instance attributes to the values returned by the api data from :meth:`Device._request_cam_status` _optional_api_keys (list): A list of any api values that may not be available. If the parameter is missing during :meth:`parse_status_response`, it will be allowed to fail if present in this list. """ name = Property('') _NAME = None _prop_attrs = [] _optional_api_keys = [] def __init__(self, device: Device, **kwargs): self.device = device if 'name' in kwargs: name = kwargs['name'] elif self._NAME is not None: name = self._NAME else: name = self.__class__.__name__ = name self.bind(**{prop:self.on_prop for prop, _ in self._prop_attrs})
[docs] def on_prop(self, instance, value, **kwargs): """Debug method """ prop = kwargs['property']'{self}.{} = {value}')
def iter_api_key(self, api_key): if isinstance(api_key, str): for key in api_key.split('.'): if len(key): yield key else: yield from api_key
[docs] def drill_down_api_dict(self, api_key, data): """Walk down nested dict values and return the final value Arguments: api_key: Either a sequence or a string. If the string is separated by periods (``.``) it will be split by :meth:`iter_api_key` data (dict): The response data from :meth:`parse_status_response` """ result = data for key in self.iter_api_key(api_key): try: result = result[key] except KeyError: if api_key in self._optional_api_keys: return None return result
[docs] def parse_status_response(self, data): """Parse the response from :meth:`Device._request_cam_status` """ for prop_attr, api_key in self._prop_attrs: value = self.drill_down_api_dict(api_key, data) self.set_prop_from_api(prop_attr, value)
def set_prop_from_api(self, prop_attr: str, value): if isinstance(value, str): value = value.strip(' ') setattr(self, prop_attr, value)
[docs] async def close(self): """Perform any cleanup actions before disconnecting """ pass
def __repr__(self): return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}: "{self}">' def __str__(self): return
[docs]class CameraParams(ParameterGroup): """Basic camera parameters Properties: status (str): Camera status. One of ``['NoCard', 'Stop', 'Standby', 'Rec', 'RecPause']`` mode (str): Camera record / media mode. One of ``['Normal', 'Pre', 'Clip', 'Frame', 'Interval', 'Variable']`` timecode (str): The current timecode value menu_status (bool): ``True`` if the camera menu is open """ _NAME = 'camera' status = Property() menu_status = Property(False) mode = Property() timecode = Property() _prop_attrs = [ ('status', 'Camera.Status'), ('mode', 'Camera.Mode'), ('timecode', 'Camera.TC'), ('menu_status', 'Camera.MenuStatus') ]
[docs] async def send_menu_button(self, value: MenuChoices): """Send a menu button event Arguments: value: The menu button type as a member of :class:`MenuChoices` """ param = await self.device.send_web_button('Menu', param)
def set_prop_from_api(self, prop_attr, value): if prop_attr == 'menu_status': if isinstance(value, str): value = 'On' in value super().set_prop_from_api(prop_attr, value)
[docs] def on_prop(self, instance, value, **kwargs): prop = kwargs['property'] if == 'timecode': return super().on_prop(instance, value, **kwargs)
[docs]class BatteryState(Enum): """Values used for :attr:`BatteryParams.state` """ UNKNOWN = auto() #: UNKNOWN NO_BATTERY = auto() #: NO_BATTERY ON_BATTERY = auto() #: ON_BATTERY CHARGING = auto() #: CHARGING CHARGED = auto() #: CHARGED
[docs]class BatteryParams(ParameterGroup): """Battery Info Properties: info_str (str): Type of value given to :attr:`value_str`. One of ``['Time', 'Capacity', 'Voltage']`` level_str (str): Numeric value indicating various charging/discharging states value_str (str): One of remaining time (in minutes), capacity (percent) or voltage (x10) depending on the value of :attr:`info_str` state (BatteryState): The current battery state as a member of :class:`BatteryState` minutes (int): Minutes remaining until full (while charging) or battery runtime (while on-battery). If unavailable, this will be ``-1`` percent (int): Capacity remaining. If unavailable, this will be ``-1`` voltage (float): Battery voltage. If unavailable, this will be ``-1`` """ _NAME = 'battery' info_str = Property() level_str = Property() value_str = Property('0') state = Property(BatteryState.UNKNOWN) level = Property(1.) minutes = Property(-1) percent = Property(-1) voltage = Property(-1) _prop_attrs = [ ('info_str', 'Battery.Info'), ('level_str', 'Battery.Level'), ('value_str', 'Battery.Value'), ] _state_to_level_map = { BatteryState.NO_BATTERY: [0], BatteryState.ON_BATTERY: [2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], BatteryState.CHARGING: [10, 11, 12, 14], BatteryState.CHARGED: [1, 13], } # Flatten the value lists from _state_to_level_map and use them as keys _level_to_state_map = {v:k for k,l in _state_to_level_map.items() for v in l} def __init__(self, device: Device, **kwargs): super().__init__(device, **kwargs) self.bind(**{k:self._fooprop for k in ['state', 'level', 'minutes', 'percent', 'voltage']}) def _fooprop(self, instance, value, **kwargs): prop = kwargs['property'] logger.success(f'{} = "{value!r}"')
[docs] def on_prop(self, instance, value, **kwargs): prop = kwargs['property'] if == 'info_str': if value == 'Time': self.minutes = int(self.value_str) self.percent = -1 self.voltage = -1 elif value == 'Capacity': self.minutes = -1 self.percent = int(self.value_str) self.voltage = -1 elif value == 'Voltage': self.minutes = -1 self.percent = -1 self.voltage = float(self.value_str) / 10 elif == 'level_str': value = int(value) self.state = self._level_to_state_map.get(value, BatteryState.UNKNOWN) if value in range(5, 9): self.level = (value - 4) / 4 elif value in range(10, 14): self.level = (value - 9) / 4 elif == 'value_str': if self.info_str == 'Time': self.minutes = int(value) elif self.info_str == 'Capacity': self.percent = int(value) elif self.info_str == 'Voltage': self.voltage = float(value) / 10 super().on_prop(instance, value, **kwargs)
[docs]class ExposureParams(ParameterGroup): """Exposure parameters Properties: mode (str): Exposure mode. One of ``['Auto', 'Manual', 'IrisPriority', 'ShutterPriority']`` iris_mode (str): Iris mode. One of ``['Manual', 'Auto', 'AutoAELock']`` iris_fstop (str): Character string for iris value iris_pos (int): Iris position (0-255) gain_mode (str): Gain mode. One of ``['ManualL', 'ManualM', 'ManualH', 'AGC', 'AlcAELock', 'LoLux', 'Variable']`` gain_value (str): Gain value gain_pos (int): Gain value as an integer from -6 to 24 shutter_mode (str): Shutter mode. One of ``['Off', 'Manual', 'Step', 'Variable', 'Eei']`` shutter_value (str): Shutter value master_black (str): MasterBlack value master_black_pos (int): MasterBlack value as an integer from -50 to 50 """ _NAME = 'exposure' mode = Property() iris_mode = Property() iris_fstop = Property() iris_pos = Property() gain_mode = Property() gain_value = Property() gain_pos = Property(0) shutter_mode = Property() shutter_value = Property() master_black = Property() master_black_pos = Property(0) _prop_attrs = [ ('mode', 'Exposure.Status'), ('iris_mode', 'Iris.Status'), ('iris_fstop', 'Iris.Value'), ('iris_pos', 'Iris.Position'), ('gain_mode', 'Gain.Status'), ('gain_value', 'Gain.Value'), ('shutter_mode', 'Shutter.Status'), ('shutter_value', 'Shutter.Value'), ('master_black', 'MasterBlack.Value'), ] _optional_api_keys = ['Exposure.Status']
[docs] async def set_auto_iris(self, state: bool): """Set iris mode Arguments: state (bool): If True, enable auto iris mode, otherwise set to manual """ value = {True:'Auto', False:'Manual'}.get(state) await self.device.send_web_button('Iris', value)
[docs] async def set_auto_gain(self, state: bool): """Set AGC mode Arguments: state (bool): If True, enable auto gain mode, otherwise set to manual """ value = {True:'Auto', False:'Manual'}.get(state) await self.device.send_web_button('Gain', value)
[docs] async def set_iris_pos(self, value: int): """Set the iris position value Parameters: value (int): The iris value from 0 (closed) to 255 (open) """ if value > 255: value = 255 elif value < 0: value = 0 params = {'Kind':'IrisBar', 'Position':value} await self.device.queue_request('SetWebSliderEvent', params)
[docs] async def increase_iris(self): """Increase (open) iris """ await self.adjust_iris(True)
[docs] async def decrease_iris(self): """Decrease (close) iris """ await self.adjust_iris(False)
[docs] async def adjust_iris(self, direction: bool): """Increment (open) or decrement (close) iris Parameters: direction (bool): If True, increment, otherwise decrement """ value = {True:'Open1', False:'Close1'}.get(direction) await self.device.send_web_button('Iris', value)
[docs] async def increase_gain(self): """Increase gain """ await self.adjust_gain(True)
[docs] async def decrease_gain(self): """Decrease gain """ await self.adjust_gain(False)
[docs] async def adjust_gain(self, direction: bool): """Increment or decrement gain Parameters: direction (bool): If True, increment, otherwise decrement """ # TODO: In manual mode (using the L,M,H switch), this adjusts the # setting for whichever of the three preset gain positions is active # if self.gain_mode != 'Variable': # await self.device.send_web_button('Gain', 'Variable') value = {True:'Up1', False:'Down1'}.get(direction) await self.device.send_web_button('Gain', value)
[docs] async def increase_master_black(self): """Increase master black """ await self.adjust_master_black(True)
[docs] async def decrease_master_black(self): """Decrease master black """ await self.adjust_master_black(False)
[docs] async def adjust_master_black(self, direction: bool): """Increment or decrement master black Parameters: direction (bool): If True, increment, otherwise decrement """ value = {True:'Up1', False:'Down1'}.get(direction) await self.device.send_web_button('MasterBlack', value)
def set_prop_from_api(self, prop_attr, value): if prop_attr == 'iris_fstop': value = value.strip(' ') if value != 'CLOSE': if value.startswith('AF'): value = value.lstrip('AF') elif value.startswith('F'): value = value.lstrip('F') value = float(value) super().set_prop_from_api(prop_attr, value)
[docs] def on_prop(self, instance, value, **kwargs): prop = kwargs['property'] if == 'gain_value': gain_pos = value.rstrip('dB').lstrip('A') self.gain_pos = int(gain_pos) logger.debug(f'{self}.gain_pos: {self.gain_pos}') elif == 'master_black': if len(value.strip(' ')): self.master_black_pos = int(value) logger.debug(f'{self}.master_black_pos: {self.master_black_pos}') super().on_prop(instance, value, **kwargs)
[docs]class PaintParams(ParameterGroup): """Paint parameters Properties: white_balance_mode (str): Current white balance mode. One of ``['Preset', 'A', 'B', 'Faw', 'FawAELock', 'Faw', 'Awb', 'OnePush', '3200K', '5600K', 'Manual']`` color_temp (str): White balance value red_scale (int): Total range for WB red paint (0-64) red_pos (int): Current position of WB red paint (0-64) red_value (str): WB red paint value red_normalized (int): Red value from -31 to +31 blue_scale (int): Total range for WB blue paint (0-64) blue_pos (int): Current position of WB blue paint (0-64) blue_value (str): WB blue paint value blue_normalized (int): Blue value from -31 to +31 detail (str): Detail value as string detail_pos (int): Detail value as an integer from -10 to +10 """ _NAME = 'paint' white_balance_mode = Property() color_temp = Property() red_scale = Property(64) red_pos = Property() red_value = Property() red_normalized = Property(0) blue_scale = Property(64) blue_pos = Property() blue_value = Property() blue_normalized = Property(0) detail = Property() detail_pos = Property(0) _prop_attrs = [ ('white_balance_mode', 'Whb.Status'), ('color_temp', 'Whb.Value'), ('red_scale', 'Whb.WhPRScale'), ('red_pos', 'Whb.WhPRPosition'), ('red_value', 'Whb.WhPRValue'), ('blue_scale', 'Whb.WhPBScale'), ('blue_pos', 'Whb.WhPBPosition'), ('blue_value', 'Whb.WhPBValue'), ('detail', 'Detail.Value'), ]
[docs] async def set_white_balance_mode(self, mode: str): """Set white balance mode Arguments: mode (str): The mode to set. Possible values are ``['Faw', 'Preset', 'A', 'B', 'Adjust', 'WhPaintRP', 'WhPaintRM', 'WhPaintBP', 'WhPaintBM', 'Awb', '3200K', '5600K', 'Manual']`` """ await self.device.send_web_button('Whb', mode)
[docs] async def set_red_pos(self, red: int): """Set red value Arguments: red (int): Red value in range -31 to +31 """ red += self.red_scale // 2 await self.set_wb_pos_raw(red, self.blue_pos)
[docs] async def set_blue_pos(self, blue: int): """Set blue value Arguments: blue (int): Blue value in range -31 to +31 """ blue += self.blue_scale // 2 await self.set_wb_pos_raw(self.red_pos, blue)
[docs] async def set_wb_pos(self, red: int, blue: int): """Set red/blue values Arguments: red (int): Red value in range -31 to +31 blue (int): Blue value in range -31 to +31 """ red += self.red_scale // 2 blue += self.blue_scale // 2 await self.set_wb_pos_raw(red, blue)
[docs] async def set_wb_pos_raw(self, red: int, blue: int): """Set raw values for red/blue Arguments: red (int): Red value in range 0 to 64 blue (int): Blue value in range 0 to 64 """ if red > 64: red = 64 elif red < 0: red = 0 if blue > 64: blue = 64 elif blue < 0: blue = 0 params = { 'Kind':'WhPaintRB', 'XPosition':blue, 'YPosition':red, } self.red_pos = red self.blue_pos = blue await self.device.queue_request('SetWebXYFieldEvent', params)
[docs] async def increase_detail(self): """Increment detail value """ await self.adjust_detail(True)
[docs] async def decrease_detail(self): """Decrease detail value """ await self.adjust_detail(False)
[docs] async def adjust_detail(self, direction: bool): """Increment or decrement detail Parameters: direction (bool): If True, increment, otherwise decrement """ value = {True:'Up', False:'Down'}.get(direction) await self.device.send_web_button('Detail', value)
[docs] def on_prop(self, instance, value, **kwargs): prop = kwargs['property'] if in ['red_value', 'blue_value']: value = int(value) value = f'{value:+3d}' super().on_prop(instance, value, **kwargs) if == 'detail': self.detail_pos = int(value) elif in ['red_pos', 'red_scale']: if self.red_pos is not None and self.red_scale is not None: self.red_normalized = self.red_pos - (self.red_scale // 2) elif in ['blue_pos', 'blue_scale']: if self.blue_pos is not None and self.blue_scale is not None: self.blue_normalized = self.blue_pos - (self.blue_scale // 2)
[docs]class TallyParams(ParameterGroup): """Tally light parameters Properties: program (bool): True if program tally is lit preview (bool): True if preview tally is lit tally_priority (str): The tally priority. One of ``['Camera', 'Web']``. tally_status (str): Tally light status. One of ``['Off', 'Program', 'Preview']`` """ _NAME = 'tally' program = Property(False) preview = Property(False) tally_priority = Property() tally_status = Property() _prop_attrs = [ ('tally_priority', 'TallyLamp.Priority'), ('tally_status', 'TallyLamp.StudioTally'), ]
[docs] async def set_program(self, state: bool = True): """Enable or Disable Program tally Arguments: state (bool, optional): If False, turns off the tally light """ if not state: value = 'Off' else: value = 'Program' await self.set_tally_light(value)
[docs] async def set_preview(self, state: bool = True): """Enable or Disable Preview tally Arguments: state (bool, optional): If False, turns off the tally light """ if not state: value = 'Off' else: value = 'Preview' await self.set_tally_light(value)
[docs] async def set_tally_light(self, value: str): """Set tally light state Arguments: value (str): One of 'Program', 'Preview' or 'Off' """ await self.device.queue_request('SetStudioTally', {'Indication':value}) self.tally_status = value
[docs] async def close(self): await self.set_tally_light('Off')
[docs] def on_prop(self, instance, value, **kwargs): prop = kwargs['property'] if == 'tally_status': self.program = value == 'Program' self.preview = value == 'Preview' super().on_prop(instance, value, **kwargs)
PARAMETER_GROUP_CLS = (CameraParams, BatteryParams, ExposureParams, PaintParams, TallyParams)
[docs]@logger.catch def main(hostaddr, auth_user, auth_pass, id_=None): """Build a device and open it """ loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() dev = Device(hostaddr, auth_user, auth_pass, id_) loop.run_until_complete( try: loop.run_forever() finally: loop.run_until_complete(dev.close()) return dev