Source code for

from typing import List, Dict, ClassVar, Optional, Iterator, Union
from pathlib import Path
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import xml.dom.minidom as minidom
import hashlib

HASH_ALGO = 'sha1'
"""The :mod:`hashlib` algorithm to use for creating file hashes

HASH_FUNC = getattr(hashlib, HASH_ALGO)

[docs]class QRCElement(object): """An element within a QRC document tree Attributes: parent (QRCElement, optional): The parent element. If this element is the document root, this is ``None`` element (ET.Element): The :class:`xml.etree.ElementTree.Element` associated with this element children (List[QRCElement]): Direct descendants of this element """ TAG: ClassVar[Optional[str]] = None """The default tag name""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): parent = kwargs.get('parent') element = kwargs.get('element') tag = kwargs.get('tag', self.TAG) attrib = kwargs.get('attrib', {}) if element is None: assert tag is not None if parent is None: element = ET.Element(tag, attrib) else: element = ET.SubElement(parent.element, tag, attrib) self.parent = parent self.element = element self.children = [] for child_elem in element: self.add_child(element=child_elem)
[docs] def tostring(self) -> str: """Build the XML representation of the tree """ ugly = ET.tostring(self.element, encoding='unicode') dom = minidom.parseString(ugly) pretty = dom.toprettyxml() pretty = [line for line in pretty.splitlines() if len(line.strip('\t'))] pretty[0] = '<!DOCTYPE RCC>' return '\n'.join(pretty)
[docs] def write(self, filename: Path): """Save the contents of :meth:`tostring` as a QRC file Note: This may only be called on the root element """ assert self.parent is None filename.write_text(self.tostring())
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, **kwargs) -> 'QRCElement': """Create an instance of :class:`QRCElement` The subclass will be chosen using the given element or tag keyword arguments Keyword Arguments: element (ET.Element, optional): If provided, an instance of :class:`xml.etree.ElementTree.Element` to use as the root element tag (str, optional): If no element is provided, this will be the tag name of the root element. If both ``element`` and ``tag`` are ``None``, the :attr:`TAG` attribute of the class will be used. """ element = kwargs.get('element') if element is not None: tag = element.tag else: tag = kwargs.get('tag', cls.TAG) _cls = cls.cls_for_tag(tag) return _cls(**kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def cls_for_tag(cls, tag: str): """Find a subclass of :class:`QRCElement` matching the given tag """ def iter_subclass(_cls): yield _cls for subcls in _cls.__subclasses__(): if not issubclass(subcls, QRCElement): continue yield subcls for _cls in iter_subclass(QRCElement): if _cls.TAG == tag: return _cls
@property def root_element(self) -> 'QRCElement': """The root of the tree """ p = self.parent if p is None: return self return p.root_element @property def tag(self) -> str: """The :attr:`~xml.etree.ElementTree.Element.tag` name of the element """ return self.element.tag @property def attrib(self) -> Dict: """The element :attr:`attributes <xml.etree.ElementTree.Element.attrib>` """ return self.element.attrib @property def text(self): """The element :attr:`~xml.etree.ElementTree.Element.text` """ return self.element.text @text.setter def text(self, value): self.element.text = value
[docs] def add_child(self, **kwargs) -> 'QRCElement': """Create a child instance using :meth:`create` and add it to this element's :attr:`children` """ kwargs['parent'] = self child = self.create(**kwargs) self.children.append(child) return child
[docs] def remove_child(self, child: 'QRCElement'): """Remove an child element the tree """ self.element.remove(child.element) self.children.remove(child)
[docs] def walk(self) -> Iterator['QRCElement']: """Iterate over this element and all of its descendants """ yield self for c in self.children: yield from c.walk()
def __repr__(self): return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}: "{self}">' def __str__(self): return self.tag
[docs]class QRCDocument(QRCElement): """A :class:`QRCElement` subclass to be used as the document root Keyword Arguments: base_path (pathlib.Path): The filesystem path representing the root directory for the document (usually the document's directory) """ TAG: ClassVar[str] = 'RCC' """The default tag name""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.base_path = kwargs['base_path'] if not self.base_path.is_absolute(): raise ValueError('base_path must be absolute') super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, filename: Path) -> 'QRCDocument': """Create a tree from an existing qrc file """ root = ET.fromstring(filename.read_text()) return cls(element=root, base_path=filename.resolve().parent)
@property def current_hash(self) -> Optional[str]: """The hash of the contents when the qrc file was last saved """ return self.attrib.get('content_hash') @current_hash.setter def current_hash(self, value: str): self.attrib['content_hash'] = value
[docs] def hashes_match(self) -> bool: """Determine if the contents defined within the document have changed on the local filesystem Compares the :attr:`current_hash` against the result of :meth:`hash_contents` """ if not self.current_hash: return False local_hash = self.hash_contents() return local_hash == self.current_hash
[docs] def add_file(self, filename: Path, prefix: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) -> 'QRCFile': """Add a :class:`QRCFile` to the document if it does not currently exist Arguments: filename (pathlib.Path): The filename to add prefix (str, optional): The :attr:`~QRCResource.prefix` to use for the :class:`QRCResource`. If not given, it will default to ``"/"`` **kwargs: Extra keyword arguments to pass to the :class:`QRCFile` creation """ if prefix is None: prefix = '/' resource_el = self.find_resource(prefix) if resource_el is None: resource_el = self.add_child(tag='qresource', prefix=prefix) return resource_el.add_file(filename, **kwargs)
[docs] def find_resource(self, prefix: str) -> Optional['QRCResource']: """Search for a :class:`QRCResource` matching the given prefix If one is not found, ``None`` will be returned """ for el in self.children: if el.prefix == prefix: return el
[docs] def search_for_file(self, filename: Path) -> Optional['QRCFile']: """Search for the :class:`QRCFile` element matching the given filename """ for c in self.children: if not isinstance(c, QRCResource): continue r = c.search_for_file(filename) if r is not None: return r
[docs] def remove_missing_files(self) -> List['QRCFile']: """Find and remove any :class:`QRCFile` elements whose filenames do not currently exist in the filesystem. The elements that were removed (if any) are returned """ removed = [] for f in self.iter_files(): if not f.exists(): removed.append(f) f.parent.remove_child(f) return removed
[docs] def iter_resources(self) -> Iterator['QRCResource']: """Iterate over child :class:`QRCResource` instances """ for c in self.children: if isinstance(c, QRCResource): yield c
[docs] def iter_files(self) -> Iterator['QRCFile']: """Iterate through all :class:`QRCFile` instances in the tree """ for r in self.iter_resources(): yield from r.iter_files()
[docs] def hash_contents(self) -> str: """Create a single hash from all :class:`QRCFile` data on the local filesystem using :meth:`QRCFile.hash_contents` """ hashes = [f.hash_contents() for f in self.iter_files()] m = HASH_FUNC() for hval in sorted(hashes): m.update(hval.encode('utf-8')) return m.hexdigest()
[docs] def tostring(self) -> str: self.current_hash = self.hash_contents() return super().tostring()
[docs]class QRCResource(QRCElement): """A :class:`QRCElement` subclass representing a qresource element """ TAG: ClassVar[str] = 'qresource' """The default tag name""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._path = None if 'prefix' in kwargs: self.prefix = kwargs['prefix'] @property def prefix(self): """The prefix to be used for all children of this ``qresource``. This only affects the way the child resources are accessed from within the Qt Resource System and has no impact on local file paths. """ return self.attrib.get('prefix') @prefix.setter def prefix(self, value: str): self.attrib['prefix'] = value @property def path(self) -> Path: """Alias for :attr:`~QRCDocument.base_path` of the :attr:`root_element` """ return self.root_element.base_path
[docs] def add_file(self, filename: Path, **kwargs) -> 'QRCFile': """Add a :class:`QRCFile` to the resource if it does not currently exist Arguments: filename (pathlib.Path): The filename to add **kwargs: Extra keyword arguments to pass to the :class:`QRCFile` creation """ el = self.search_for_file(filename) if el is not None: return el rel_fn = self.normailize_child_filename(filename) kw = kwargs.copy() kw['tag'] = 'file' kw['filename'] = rel_fn return self.add_child(**kw)
[docs] def normailize_child_filename(self, filename: Path) -> Path: """Translate the given path to be relative to the :attr:`~QRCDocument.base_path`. If the filename given is not absolute, the :attr:`~QRCDocument.base_path` will be prepended to it. """ base = self.path if not filename.is_absolute: filename = base / filename filename = filename.relative_to(base) return filename
[docs] def search_for_file(self, filename: Path) -> Optional['QRCFile']: """Search within this qresource for the :class:`QRCFile` element matching the given filename """ rel_p = self.normailize_child_filename(filename) etsearch = self.element.findall(f'.//file[.="{rel_p}"]') if not len(etsearch): return None for c in self.iter_files(): if c.filename == rel_p: return c
[docs] def iter_files(self) -> Iterator['QRCFile']: """Iterate over all :class:`QRCFile` instances within this qresource """ for c in self.children: if isinstance(c, QRCFile): yield c
def __str__(self): return f'prefix={self.prefix}'
[docs]class QRCFile(QRCElement): """A :class:`QRCElement` subclass representing a file resource Keyword Arguments: filename: See :attr:`filename` filename_abs: See :attr:`filename_abs` alias: See :attr:`alias` Note: Only one of the filename arguments may be present as keyword arguments """ TAG: ClassVar[str] = 'file' """The default tag name""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if 'filename_abs' in kwargs and 'filename' in kwargs: raise ValueError('cannot provide both "filename" and "filename_abs"') for attr in ['filename', 'filename_abs', 'alias']: if attr in kwargs: setattr(self, attr, kwargs[attr]) @property def filename(self) -> Path: """The filename as a :class:`pathlib.Path` (relative to the parent :class:`QRCResource`) """ s = self.text if s is None: return None s = s.strip() if not len(s): return None return Path(s) @filename.setter def filename(self, value: Optional[Union[Path, str]]): if value is None: self.text = None else: if not isinstance(value, Path): value = Path(value) assert not value.is_absolute() self.text = str(value) @property def filename_abs(self) -> Path: """Absolute filename including the parent :attr:`~QRCDocument.base_path` When set, the :attr:`filename` will be updated using :meth:`~QRCResource.normailize_child_filename` """ base = self.parent.path return base / self.filename @filename_abs.setter def filename_abs(self, value: Optional[Union[Path, str]]): if value is None: self.text = None else: if not isinstance(value, Path): value = Path(value) if not value.is_absolute(): raise ValueError('path must be absolute') p = self.parent.normailize_child_filename(value) self.filename = p @property def alias(self) -> Optional[str]: """The file alias as described in the `qrc documentation`_ .. _qrc documentation: """ return self.attrib.get('alias') @alias.setter def alias(self, value): if isinstance(value, Path): value = str(value) self.attrib['alias'] = value
[docs] def exists(self) -> bool: """Returns whether the file exists in the filesystem """ return self.filename_abs.exists()
[docs] def hash_contents(self) -> str: """Create a hash of the file data using :mod:`hashlib` algorithm defined by :any:`HASH_ALGO` """ m = HASH_FUNC() block_size = 65536 p = self.filename_abs if not p.exists(): return m.hexdigest() with open(p, 'rb') as fp: while True: data = if not data: break m.update(data) return m.hexdigest()
def __str__(self): return f'filename={self.filename}, alias={self.alias}'