
class jvconnected.ui.models.device.DeviceBase(*args)[source]

Bases: GenericQObject

Base class to interface devices with Qt

Signal reconnectSignal()

Signals the owning EngineModel to initiate a reconnect for the device

See engine.EngineModel.on_device_conf_reconnect_sig()

Property device

The device instance

Property deviceId: str

The device id

Property deviceIndex: int

The device index

Property connectionState: str

The device’s ConnectionState as a lowercase string

Slot reconnect()[source]

Send the reconnectSignal

class jvconnected.ui.models.device.DeviceConfigModel(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: DeviceBase

Qt Bridge for jvconnected.config.DeviceConfig

Property deviceOnline: bool

Alias for jvconnected.config.DeviceConfig.online

Property deviceActive: bool

Alias for jvconnected.config.DeviceConfig.active

Property storedInConfig: bool

Alias for jvconnected.config.DeviceConfig.stored_in_config

Property alwaysConnect: bool

Alias for jvconnected.config.DeviceConfig.always_connect

async Slot setDeviceIndex(value: int)[source]

Set the device_index on the device

class jvconnected.ui.models.device.DeviceModel(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: DeviceBase

Qt Bridge for jvconnected.device.Device

Signal removeDeviceIndex()

When triggered, the EngineModel resets the device_index of the jvconnected.config.DeviceConfig for this device. This will force an auto-calculation of the index

Property confDevice: DeviceConfigModel

Instance of DeviceConfigModel matching this device

Property connected: bool

Alias for jvconnected.device.Device.connected

async Slot open()[source]

Calls open() on the device

async Slot close()[source]

Calls close() on the device

async Slot setDeviceIndex(value: int)[source]

Calls setDeviceIndex() on confDevice

class jvconnected.ui.models.device.ParamBase(*args)[source]

Bases: GenericQObject

Qt Bridge for jvconnected.device.ParameterGroup

Property device: DeviceModel

The parent DeviceModel

Property paramGroup: ParameterGroup

The jvconnected.device.ParameterGroup for this object. Retreived from the device

class jvconnected.ui.models.device.CameraParamsModel(*args)[source]

Bases: ParamBase

Property status: str

Alias for jvconnected.device.CameraParams.status

Property menuStatus: bool

Alias for jvconnected.device.CameraParams.menu_status

Property mode: str

Alias for jvconnected.device.CameraParams.status

Property timecode: str

Alias for jvconnected.device.CameraParams.status

async Slot sendMenuButton(value: str)[source]

Send a menu button event


value (str) – The menu button type as a string. Must be the name of a member of MenuChoices

See jvconnected.device.CameraParams.send_menu_button()

class jvconnected.ui.models.device.NTPParamsModel(*args)[source]

Bases: ParamBase

Qt bridge for jvconnected.device.NTPParams

Property address: str

Alias for jvconnected.device.NTPParams.address

Property tcSync: bool

Alias for jvconnected.device.NTPParams.tc_sync

Property syncronized: bool

Alias for jvconnected.device.NTPParams.syncronized

Property syncMaster: bool

Alias for jvconnected.device.NTPParams.sync_master

async Slot setAddress(address: str)[source]

Set the NTP server using jvconnected.device.NTPParams.set_address()

class jvconnected.ui.models.device.BatteryParamsModel(*args)[source]

Bases: ParamBase

Property batteryState: str

Alias for jvconnected.device.BatteryParams.state

Property level: float

Alias for jvconnected.device.BatteryParams.level

Property textStatus: str

Battery information from one of minutes, percent or voltage depending on availability

class jvconnected.ui.models.device.IrisModel(*args)[source]

Bases: ParamBase

Property mode: str

Alias for jvconnected.device.ExposureParams.iris_mode

Property fstop: str

Alias for jvconnected.device.ExposureParams.iris_fstop

Property pos: int

Alias for jvconnected.device.ExposureParams.iris_pos

async Slot setAutoIris(value: bool)[source]

Set auto iris mode

See jvconnected.device.ExposureParams.set_auto_iris()

async Slot setPos(value: int)[source]

Set the iris position

See jvconnected.device.ExposureParams.set_iris_pos()

async Slot increase()[source]

Calls jvconnected.device.ExposureParams.increase_iris()

async Slot decrease()[source]

Calls jvconnected.device.ExposureParams.increase_iris()

class jvconnected.ui.models.device.SingleParam(*args)[source]

Bases: ParamBase

A direct mapping to a single parameter within a ParameterGroup

Property value: str

The parameter value

class jvconnected.ui.models.device.SingleAdjustableParam(*args)[source]

Bases: SingleParam

A single parameter with increment/decrement methods

async Slot increase()[source]

Increment the parameter value

async Slot decrease()[source]

Decrement the parameter value

class jvconnected.ui.models.device.GainModeModel(*args)[source]

Bases: SingleParam

class jvconnected.ui.models.device.GainValueModel(*args)[source]

Bases: SingleAdjustableParam

class jvconnected.ui.models.device.MasterBlackModel(*args)[source]

Bases: SingleAdjustableParam

class jvconnected.ui.models.device.FocusModeModel(*args)[source]

Bases: SingleParam

class jvconnected.ui.models.device.SeesawParam(*args)[source]

Bases: SingleParam

Base parameter for “seesaw” movement

Property currentSpeed: int

Current speed of movement from -8 to 8

Property moving: bool

True if the parameter is moving

class jvconnected.ui.models.device.MasterBlackPosModel(*args)[source]

Bases: SeesawParam

MasterBlack seesaw operation

async Slot up(speed: int)[source]

Move MasterBlack up at the specified speed (0 to 8)

async Slot down(speed: int)[source]

Move MasterBlack down at the specified speed (0 to 8)

async Slot stop()[source]

Stop moving

class jvconnected.ui.models.device.FocusPosModel(*args)[source]

Bases: SeesawParam

Focus position and movement

async Slot near(speed: int)[source]

Focus “near” at the specified speed (0 to 8)

async Slot far(speed: int)[source]

Focus “far” at the specified speed (0 to 8)

async Slot stop()[source]

Stop moving

class jvconnected.ui.models.device.ZoomPresetModel(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: GenericQObject

Qt bridge for jvconnected.device.ZoomPreset

Property name: str

The preset name (or id)

Property value: int

Stored zoom position of the preset

Property isActive: bool

Flag indicating if the current zoom pos matches the stored value

class jvconnected.ui.models.device.ZoomPosModel(*args)[source]

Bases: SeesawParam

Zoom position and movement

Property pos: int

Current zoom position from 0 to 499

Property presets: tp.List[ZoomPresetModel]

A list of ZoomPresetModel instances

async Slot tele(speed: int)[source]

Zoom in (tele) at the specified speed (0 to 8)

async Slot wide(speed: int)[source]

Zoom out (wide) at the specified speed (0 to 8)

async Slot stop()[source]

Stop moving

async Slot setPos(pos: int)[source]

Set zoom position from 0 to 499

async Slot setPreset(name: str)[source]

Store the current zoom pos to a preset

(See jvconnected.device.PresetZoomParams.set_preset())


name (str) – The preset name (one of ["A", "B", "C"])

async Slot recallPreset(name: str)[source]

Recall the zoom preset matching the given name

(See jvconnected.device.PresetZoomParams.recall_preset())

async Slot clearPreset(name: str)[source]

Clear the stored value of the preset by the given name

(See jvconnected.device.PresetZoomParams.clear_preset())

class jvconnected.ui.models.device.WbModeModel(*args)[source]

Bases: SingleParam

class jvconnected.ui.models.device.WbColorTempModel(*args)[source]

Bases: SingleParam

class jvconnected.ui.models.device.WbPaintModelBase(*args)[source]

Bases: ParamBase

Property scale: int

Total range of values for the parameter

Property pos: int

The normalized position value (zero-centered)

Property rawPos: int

Un-normalized position value

Property value: str

String representation of the value

async Slot setPos(value: int)[source]

Set the position value

See setRedPos() and setBluePos()

async Slot setRedPos(value: int)[source]

Set the red white balance position

See jvconnected.device.PaintParams.set_red_pos()

async Slot setBluePos(value)[source]

Set the red white balance position

See jvconnected.device.PaintParams.set_blue_pos()

async Slot setRBPos(red: int, blue: int)[source]

Set both red and blue position values

See jvconnected.device.PaintParams.set_wb_pos()

async Slot setRBPosRaw(red: int, blue: int)[source]

Set both red and blue position values un-normalized

See jvconnected.device.PaintParams.set_wb_pos_raw()

class jvconnected.ui.models.device.WbRedPaintModel(*args)[source]

Bases: WbPaintModelBase

Red paint parameter

class jvconnected.ui.models.device.WbBluePaintModel(*args)[source]

Bases: WbPaintModelBase

Blue paint parameter

class jvconnected.ui.models.device.DetailModel(*args)[source]

Bases: SingleAdjustableParam

class jvconnected.ui.models.device.TallyModel(*args)[source]

Bases: ParamBase

Property program: bool

Alias for jvconnected.device.TallyParams.program

Property preview: bool

Alias for jvconnected.device.TallyParams.preview

async Slot setProgram(state: bool)[source]

Set the program tally state

See jvconnected.device.TallyParams.set_program()

async Slot setPreview(state)[source]

Set the program tally state

See jvconnected.device.TallyParams.set_preview()