
Functions used by jvconnected.ui.models.devicepreview.CameraPreview to generate waveform display.


This module is experimental and the math involved is most assuredly incorrect. It should not be used where correctness is required.

Waveform Functions

jvconnected.ui.models.waveform.get_waveform_arr(rgb_arr: RGBArrayF) WFMArray[source]

Calculate a waveform array as a set of xy points

The values for 'xpos' and 'ypos' in the result represent the waveform’s points for each line of the input image where 'ypos' is the luma component. The 'yprime' field is the original \(Y'\) value and 'ypos' has the “footroom” of \(16/255\) subtracted from it. All fields are normalized (ranging from 0 to 1).


rgb_arr (RGBArrayF) – The input image array



Array with the same shape as the input along the first two axes (height, width)

Return type


jvconnected.ui.models.waveform.get_waveform_qimage(qimg: QImage) WFMArray[source]

Calculate a waveform array from a QtGui.QImage using get_waveform_arr()

jvconnected.ui.models.waveform.get_yprime_rgb(rgb: RGBArrayF) ndarray[Any, dtype[float]][source]

Calculate the \(Y'\) (luma) value for the given RGB values according to ITU-R BT.709

\[Y' = 0.2126\cdot R' + 0.7152\cdot G' + 0.0722\cdot B'\]

rgb (RGBArrayF) – The N-D input with last axis containing RGB float values


An array of float with same shape as the input along all but the last axis

Return type

ndarray[Any, dtype[float]]

Image I/O Functions

jvconnected.ui.models.waveform.qimg_to_rgb_arr(qimg: QImage) RGBArrayF[source]

Convert a QtGui.QImage to an RGBArrayF

jvconnected.ui.models.waveform.img_arr_to_qimg(img_arr: RGBArray, output_rect: Optional[QRect] = None) QImage[source]

Convert the given RGBArray to a QtGui.QImage

  • img_arr (RGBArray) – The array to convert

  • (class (output_rect) – QtCore.QRect, optional): If given, the result will be scaled to this size

jvconnected.ui.models.waveform.rasterize_wfm_arr(wfm_arr: WFMArray) RGBArray[source]

Convert a waveform array into a rasterized image array


wfm_arr (WFMArray) – The input waveform array



Image array with same shape as the input along the first two axes (height, width)

Return type


Graticule Functions

jvconnected.ui.models.waveform.get_graticules(rect: QRect) Tuple[Dict[float, float], Dict[float, QLineF]][source]

Get a set of graticules scaled to fit within the given QtCore.QRect

The scale ranges from -20 to 120 (ire) in increments of 10. An extra value of 7.5 ire is included (NTSC setup level)


rect (QtCore.QRect) – The bounding box as a QtCore.QRect


  • ire_vals (dict) – A mapping of ire values to their normalized positions

  • lines (dict) – A mapping of QtCore.QLineF objects with their ire values as keys

Return type

Tuple[Dict[float, float], Dict[float, QLineF]]

jvconnected.ui.models.waveform.paint_graticules(painter: QPainter, rect: QRect) Tuple[Dict[float, float], Dict[float, QLineF]][source]

Draw graticules and text markers using the QPainter api

Graticules are calculated using get_graticules() then drawn on the given QtGui.QPainter. IRE value labels are then drawn alternating on the left and right sides

  • painter (QtGui.QPainter) – The QPainter to draw with

  • rect (QtGui.QRect) – The bounding box to use for drawing


  • ire_vals (dict) – A mapping of ire values to their normalized positions

  • lines (dict) – A mapping of QtCore.QLineF objects with their ire values as keys

Return type

Tuple[Dict[float, float], Dict[float, QLineF]]



3d array of np.uint8 with shape (height, width, color) (sorted as RGBA)

The values are 8-bit (ranging from 0 to 255)

alias of ndarray


3d array of floats with shape (height, width, color) (sorted as RGB)

The values are normalized (ranging from 0 to 1)

alias of ndarray


2d array using the WFM_dtype with shape (height, width)

alias of ndarray

jvconnected.ui.models.waveform.WFM_dtype = dtype([('yprime', '<f8'), ('xpos', '<f8'), ('ypos', '<f8')])

A structured data type for waveform data

  • yprimenp.float64 containing the result of get_yprime_rgb()

  • xposnp.float64 containing the element’s x-axis position normalized to the range of 0 to 1

  • yposnp.float64 containing the element’s y-axis position normalized to the range of 0 to 1. This is calculated as \(Ypos = Yprime - (16/255)\)