Source code for jvconnected.interfaces.midi.bcf_sysex


from loguru import logger
from typing import List, Sequence, ByteString, ClassVar, Tuple, Dict, Optional
import dataclasses
from dataclasses import dataclass, field

import mido

from . import aioport

MidiString = Sequence[ByteString]

def byte_split(i: int) -> Tuple[int, int]:
    lsb = i & 0x7f
    msb = i >> 7
    return tuple([msb, lsb])

def byte_unsplit(msb: int, lsb: int) -> int:
    return (msb << 7) | lsb

def bool_to_bcl(value: bool) -> str:
    return {True:'on', False:'off'}[value]

    0: ('noerr', 'No error'),
    1: ('unknowntoken', 'Invalid identifier after ‘$’ or ‘.’.'),
    2: ('datawithouttoken', '‘$’ or ‘.’ expected'),
    3: ('argumentmissing', 'MIDI output argument expected'),
    4: ('wrongdevice', 'Invalid model'),
    5: ('wrongrevision', 'Unsupported revision'),
    6: ('missingrevision', 'No block defined'),
    7: ('internal', ''),
    8: ('modemissing', 'No section defined'),
    9: ('baditemindex', 'Element number out of range'),
    10: ('notanumber', 'Invalid numerical argument'),
    11: ('valoutofrange', 'Argument value out of range'),
    12: ('invalidargument', 'Invalid text argument'),
    13: ('invalidcommand', 'Setting not allowed in current section'),
    14: ('wrongnumberofargs', 'Invalid number of arguments (too few or too many)'),
    15: ('toomuchdata', 'Too much MIDI output data (for tx statement)'),
    16: ('alreadydefined', ''),
    17: ('presetmissing', ''),
    18: ('presettoocomplex', 'Preset too complex'),
    19: ('wrongpreset', ''),
    20: ('presettoonew', ''),
    21: ('presetcheck', ''),
    22: ('sequence', 'Invalid message index (compare error 6)'),
    23: ('wrongcontext', ''),

[docs]class ResponseError(Exception): """Raised on errors indicated by :class:`BCLReply` messages The :attr:`error_code` is used to provide a description of the error, if possible """ error_code: int """The :attr:`error number <BCLReply.error_code>` from the device """ def __init__(self, error_code: int): self.error_code = error_code def __str__(self): if self.error_code not in ERROR_CODES: return str(self.error_code) msg_code, msg_desc = ERROR_CODES[self.error_code] return f'Error {self.error_code}: "{msg_desc}" ({msg_code})'
[docs]@dataclass class BCLSyxBase: """Wrapper for a single BCL command as a Sysex message """ manufacturer: MidiString = (0x00, 0x20, 0x32) """The Sysex manufacturer id This should always be ``(0x00, 0x20, 0x32)`` (Behringer) """ device_id: MidiString = (0x7f,) """The device id from 0x00 to 0x15, or 0x7f for "any" """ model: MidiString = (0x14,) # for BCF2000, `0x15` is BCR2000 """0x14 for BCF2000, 0x15 for BCR2000, or 0x7f for "any" """ command: MidiString = (0x20,) """The command type. This is 0x20 for BCL messages """ message_index: int = 0 """Index of the BCL command within a :class:`BCLBlock` """ msg_attrs: ClassVar[Sequence[str]] = ( 'manufacturer', 'device_id', 'model', 'command', 'index_msb', 'index_lsb', )
[docs] @classmethod def from_sysex_message(cls, msg: mido.Message) -> 'BCLSysex': """Create an instance from the given :class:`~mido.Message` """ kw = cls._parse_kwargs_from_sysex(msg) return cls(**kw)
@classmethod def _parse_kwargs_from_sysex(cls, msg: mido.Message) -> Dict: data = kw = dict( manufacturer=data[:3], device_id=data[3:4], model=data[4:5], command=data[5:6], message_index=byte_unsplit(data[6], data[7]), ) return kw @property def index_msb(self) -> MidiString: """Bits 7-13 of :attr:`message_index` """ return byte_split(self.message_index)[0:1] @property def index_lsb(self) -> MidiString: """Bits 0-6 of :attr:`message_index` """ return byte_split(self.message_index)[1:2]
[docs] def build_sysex_data(self) -> MidiString: """Build the Sysex message as a sequence of int """ msg = [] for attr in self.msg_attrs: val = self._field_to_syx_list(attr) msg.extend(val) return msg
def _field_to_syx_list(self, attr: str) -> List[ByteString]: return list(getattr(self, attr))
[docs] def build_sysex_message(self) -> mido.Message: """Build a Sysex message wrapped in a :class:`mido.Message` """ data = self.build_sysex_data() return mido.Message('sysex', data=data)
[docs]@dataclass class BCLSysex(BCLSyxBase): """A BCL Text command """ bcl_text: str = '' """The BCL line """ msg_attrs: ClassVar[Sequence[str]] = ( 'manufacturer', 'device_id', 'model', 'command', 'index_msb', 'index_lsb', 'bcl_text', ) @classmethod def _parse_kwargs_from_sysex(cls, msg: mido.Message) -> Dict: kw = super()._parse_kwargs_from_sysex(msg) data = kw['bcl_text'] = bytearray(data[8:]).decode('UTF-8') return kw def _field_to_syx_list(self, attr: str) -> List[ByteString]: if attr == 'bcl_text': val = list(bytearray(self.bcl_text, 'UTF-8')) else: val = list(getattr(self, attr)) return val
[docs]@dataclass class BCLReply(BCLSyxBase): """A message sent from a BC device in response to a BCL command """ error_code: MidiString = (0,) """If non-zero, indicates an error occured """ msg_attrs: ClassVar[Sequence[str]] = ( 'manufacturer', 'device_id', 'model', 'command', 'index_msb', 'index_lsb', 'error_code', ) @classmethod def _parse_kwargs_from_sysex(cls, msg: mido.Message) -> Dict: kw = super()._parse_kwargs_from_sysex(msg) data = kw['error_code'] = data[8] return kw
[docs] def raise_on_error(self): """Check for errors and raise a :class:`ResponseError` if necessary """ if self.error_code != 0: raise ResponseError(self.error_code)
# raise Exception(f'Received error code "{self.error_code}" from device')
[docs]@dataclass class BCLBlock: """A sequence of BCL commands either received from or sent to a BC device """ revision: str = 'F1' """The device type and revision number for the device This is typically "F1" for the BCF2000 and "R1" for the BCR2000 """ text_lines: Sequence[str] = field(default_factory=list) """The BCL command lines within the block (not including the block start or end commands) """
[docs] @classmethod def from_midi_messages(cls, messages: Sequence[mido.Message]) -> Tuple['BCLBlock', Sequence[mido.Message]]: """Create a :class:`BCLBlock` from the given :class:`Messages <mido.Message>` Returns ------- blk : BCLBlock The parsed instance unhandled : List[mido.Message] The messages remaining after parsing """ # items = [] kw = {'text_lines':[]} unhandled = [] messages = list(messages) bcl_ix = 0 msg_ix = 0 start_item = None end_item = None for msg_ix, msg in enumerate(messages): if msg.type != 'sysex': unhandled.append(msg) continue item = BCLSysex.from_sysex_message(msg) if start_item is None: if item.bcl_text.startswith('$rev'): start_item = item msg_ix = item.message_index kw['revision'] = item.bcl_text.split('$rev')[1].strip(' ') else: unhandled.append(msg) continue elif end_item is not None: msg_ix += 1 if item.message_index != msg_ix: raise Exception('wrong message index') if item.bcl_text.startswith('$end'): end_item = item else: kw['text_lines'].append(item.bcl_text) else: unhandled.append(msg) # # assert item.message_index == i # # items.append(item) # if item.bcl_text.startswith('$rev'): # kw['revision'] = item.bcl_text.split('$rev')[1].strip(' ') # elif item.bcl_text.startswith('$end'): # break # kw['text_lines'].append(item.bcl_text) blk = cls(**kw) return tuple([blk, unhandled])
[docs] def build_sysex_items(self) -> Sequence[BCLSysex]: """Construct the :class:`BCLSysex` items needed to send the block """ all_lines = [f'$rev {self.revision}'] all_lines.extend(list(self.text_lines)) all_lines.append('$end') items = [] for i, line in enumerate(all_lines): # items.append(BCLSysex(message_index=i, bcl_text=line)) item = BCLSysex(message_index=i, bcl_text=line) parsed = BCLSysex.from_sysex_message(item.build_sysex_message()) assert item == parsed assert item.message_index == parsed.message_index assert item.index_msb == parsed.index_msb assert item.index_lsb == parsed.index_lsb items.append(item) return items
[docs] def build_sysex_messages(self) -> Sequence[mido.Message]: """Build the block as a sequence of Sysex :class:`Messages <mido.Message>` """ items = self.build_sysex_items() return [item.build_sysex_message() for item in items]
[docs] @logger.catch async def send(self, inport: aioport.InputPort, outport: aioport.OutputPort): """Send the block and wait for the device reply using the given Midi ports Arguments: inport (aioport.InputPort): An open midi input port to receive BCL replies from outport (aioport.OutputPort): An open midi output port to send BCL messages to """ async def get_response(): while True: msg = await inport.receive(1) if msg is None: raise asyncio.TimeoutError if msg.type != 'sysex': inport.task_done() continue resp = BCLReply.from_sysex_message(msg) inport.task_done() return resp items = self.build_sysex_items() for item in items: logger.debug(f'tx {item.message_index}: "{item.bcl_text}"') await outport.send(item.build_sysex_message()) resp = await get_response() #'rx {resp.message_index}: {resp}') resp.raise_on_error() assert resp.message_index == item.message_index
[docs] async def send_to_port_name(self, name: str): """Send the block and wait for the device reply using the given port name Opens an :class:`.aioport.IOPort` matching the given name. The input/output ports are then used as described in the :meth:`send` method """ ioport = aioport.IOPort(name) await try: await self.send(ioport.inport, ioport.outport) finally: await ioport.close()
[docs]@dataclass class ControlBase: """Base class for control definitions """ message_type: str = 'control_change' """Midi message type for the control .. rubric:: Choices :: ['note', 'aftertouch', 'control_change', 'program_change', 'pitch_bend'] """ channel: int = 0 """Midi channel (zero-indexed)""" number: int = 0 """Note or controller number (zero-indexed)""" mode: str = '' value_min: int = 0 """Minimum controller value""" value_max: int = 127 """Maximum controller value""" value_default: Optional[int] = None """Default controller value""" show_value: bool = True """Whether the value should be displayed in the 4-digit LED display when adjusted """ bcl_command: ClassVar[str] = '' include_mode_in_block: ClassVar[bool] = True message_types: ClassVar[Dict[str, str]] = { 'note':'NOTE', 'aftertouch':'AT', 'control_change':'CC', 'program_change':'PC', 'pitch_bend':'PB' } def __post_init__(self): if self.is_14_bit and self.value_max == 127: self.value_max = 16383 @property def is_14_bit(self) -> bool: """True if the control uses 14-bit values """ return self._get_is_14_bit() def _get_is_14_bit(self) -> bool: return self.mode.endswith('/14') def get_easyparams(self) -> str: ch = + 1 # if self.message_type != 'note': # ch += 1 num = self.number return f'{ch} {num} {self.value_min} {self.value_max}'
[docs] def build_bcl_lines(self) -> Sequence[str]: """Build the BCL commands for the controller as a sequence of str """ msg_type = self.message_types[self.message_type] show_value = bool_to_bcl(self.show_value) easyparams = self.get_easyparams() lines = [ f'{self.bcl_command} {self.index}', f' .easypar {msg_type} {easyparams}', f' .showvalue {show_value}', ] if self.value_default is not None: lines.append(f' .default {self.value_default}') if self.include_mode_in_block and len(self.mode): lines.append(f' .mode {self.mode}') return lines
[docs]@dataclass class EncoderConf(ControlBase): """A Push Encoder configuration """ index: int = 1 """Encoder number starting with ``1``""" mode: str = '1dot' """LED Display mode .. rubric:: Choices :: [ 'off', '1dot', '1dot/off', '12dot', '12dot/off', 'bar', 'bar/off', 'spread', 'pan', 'qual', 'cut', 'damp', ] """ encoder_mode: str = 'absolute' """Control mode for the encoder .. rubric:: Choices :: [ 'absolute', 'relative-1', 'relative-2', 'relative-3', 'inc/dec', 'absolute/14', 'relative-1/14', 'relative-2/14', 'relative-3/14', ] """ resolution: Sequence[int] = (96, 96, 96, 96) """Steps per revolution at four different rotation speeds """ bcl_command: ClassVar[str] = '$encoder' def _get_is_14_bit(self) -> bool: return self.encoder_mode.endswith('/14') def get_easyparams(self) -> str: s = super().get_easyparams() return f'{s} {self.encoder_mode}'
[docs] def build_bcl_lines(self) -> Sequence[str]: lines = super().build_bcl_lines() resolution = ' '.join([str(i) for i in self.resolution]) lines.append(f' .resolution {resolution}') return lines
[docs]@dataclass class FaderConf(ControlBase): """A fader configuration """ index: int = 1 """Fader number starting with ``1``""" mode: str = 'absolute' motor: bool = True """Enable/disable the fader motor""" override: str = 'move' """Behavior when :attr:`motor` is ``False`` .. rubric:: Choices :: ['move', 'pickup'] ``'move'`` Immediately send output messages when the fader is moved ``'pickup'`` Wait for the fader to reach last known value before sending output messages """ keyoverride: str = 'off' """Set a button to temporarily disable the fader motor when held .. rubric:: Choices :: ['off', 1 .. 64] """ bcl_command: ClassVar[str] = '$fader' include_mode_in_block: ClassVar[bool] = False def get_easyparams(self) -> str: s = super().get_easyparams() return f'{s} {self.mode}'
[docs] def build_bcl_lines(self) -> Sequence[str]: lines = super().build_bcl_lines() motor = bool_to_bcl(self.motor) lines.extend([ f' .motor {motor}', f' .override {self.override}', f' .keyoverride {self.keyoverride}', ]) return lines
[docs]@dataclass class ButtonConf(ControlBase): """A Button configuration """ # for toggleon/toggleoff: # .easypar CC Channel Controller Value1 Value2 Mode # for incr/decr: # .easypar CC Channel Controller Value1 Value2 Mode Increment index: int = 1 """Button number starting with ``1``""" button_mode: str = 'toggleon' """ .. rubric:: Choices :: ['toggleoff', 'toggleon', 'increment'] """ increment: int = 1 """Amount to increment/decrement if :attr:`button_mode` is ``'increment'``""" bcl_command: ClassVar[str] = '$button' def get_easyparams(self) -> str: params = super().get_easyparams().split(' ')[:2] # params = [ + 1, self.number] if self.message_type == 'note': params.extend([self.value_max, self.button_mode]) else: params.extend([self.value_min, self.value_max, self.button_mode]) if self.mode == 'increment': params.append(self.increment) return ' '.join([str(p) for p in params])
[docs]class Preset: """Representation of a BCF preset containing :attr:`encoders`, :attr:`faders` and :attr:`buttons` """ name: str = '' """Name of the preset""" snapshot: bool = False """If ``True``, send predefined values when a preset is selected""" request: bool = False """If ``True``, send any ``LearnOutput`` data when a preset is selected""" egroups: int = 4 """Number of encoder groups to enable""" fkeys: bool = True """Enable/disable the STORE, LEARN, EDIT and EXIT function keys""" lock: bool = False """Enable/disable the ``<`` and ``>`` preset buttons""" encoders: Dict[int, EncoderConf] """Mapping of :class:`EncoderConf` definitions using their index as keys """ faders: Dict[int, FaderConf] """Mapping of :class:`FaderConf` definitions using their index as keys """ buttons: Dict[int, ButtonConf] """Mapping of :class:`ButtonConf` definitions using their index as keys """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): keys = ['name', 'snapshot', 'request', 'egroups', 'fkeys', 'lock'] for key in keys: kwargs.setdefault(key, getattr(self, key)) setattr(self, key, kwargs[key]) self.encoders = {} self.faders = {} self.buttons = {} for kw in kwargs.get('encoders', []): self.add_encoder(**kw) for kw in kwargs.get('faders', []): self.add_fader(**kw) for kw in kwargs.get('buttons', []): self.add_button(**kw)
[docs] def add_encoder(self, **kwargs) -> EncoderConf: """Create an :class:`EncoderConf` and add it to :attr:`encoders` Keyword arguments from this method will be used to create the instance """ obj = EncoderConf(**kwargs) if obj.index in self.encoders: raise KeyError(f'Encoder {obj.index} already exists') self.encoders[obj.index] = obj return obj
[docs] def add_fader(self, **kwargs) -> FaderConf: """Create a :class:`FaderConf` and add it to :attr:`faders` Keyword arguments from this method will be used to create the instance """ obj = FaderConf(**kwargs) if obj.index in self.faders: raise KeyError(f'Fader {obj.index} already exists') self.faders[obj.index] = obj return obj
[docs] def add_button(self, **kwargs) -> ButtonConf: """Create a :class:`ButtonConf` and add it to :attr:`buttons` Keyword arguments from this method will be used to create the instance """ obj = ButtonConf(**kwargs) if obj.index in self.buttons: raise KeyError(f'Button {obj.index} already exists') self.buttons[obj.index] = obj return obj
def as_dict(self) -> Dict: keys = ['name', 'snapshot', 'request', 'egroups', 'fkeys', 'lock'] d = {key:getattr(self, key) for key in keys} d.update({'encoders':[], 'faders':[], 'buttons':[]}) for obj in self.encoders.values(): d['encoders'].append(dataclasses.asdict(obj)) for obj in self.faders.values(): d['faders'].append(dataclasses.asdict(obj)) for obj in self.buttons.values(): d['buttons'].append(dataclasses.asdict(obj)) return d
[docs] def build_bcl_lines(self) -> Sequence[str]: """Build the BCL commands for the preset as a list of strings """ name = if len(name) < 24: nfill = 24 - len(name) name = ''.join([name, ' '*nfill]) elif len(name) > 24: raise ValueError('name must be 24 characters or less') lines = [ '$preset', f" .name '{name}'", f' .egroups {self.egroups}', ' .snapshot {}'.format(bool_to_bcl(self.snapshot)), ' .request {}'.format(bool_to_bcl(self.request)), ' .fkeys {}'.format(bool_to_bcl(self.fkeys)), ' .lock {}'.format(bool_to_bcl(self.lock)), ' .init', ] for obj in self.encoders.values(): lines.extend(obj.build_bcl_lines()) for obj in self.faders.values(): lines.extend(obj.build_bcl_lines()) for obj in self.buttons.values(): lines.extend(obj.build_bcl_lines()) return lines
[docs] def build_bcl_block(self) -> BCLBlock: """Build the BCL commands for the preset wrapped in a :class:`BCLBlock` """ lines = self.build_bcl_lines() return BCLBlock(text_lines=lines)
[docs] def build_sysex_messages(self) -> Sequence[mido.Message]: """Build the BCL commands for the preset as a sequence of Sysex messages """ blk = self.build_bcl_block() return blk.build_sysex_messages()
[docs] def build_store_block(self, preset_num: int) -> BCLBlock: """Build the BCL commands to store the preset to the given number, wrapped in a :class:`BCLBlock` """ lines = [f'$store {preset_num}'] return BCLBlock(text_lines=lines)
[docs] def build_store_sysex(self, preset_num: int) -> Sequence[mido.Message]: """Build the BCL commands to store the preset to the given number, wrapped in a sequence of Sysex messages """ blk = self.build_store_block(preset_num) return blk.build_sysex_messages()
[docs] async def send( self, inport: aioport.InputPort, outport: aioport.OutputPort, store: bool = False, preset_num: int = 1 ): """Send the preset to the device and optionally store it using the given midi ports Arguments: inport (aioport.InputPort): An open midi input port to receive BCL replies from outport (aioport.OutputPort): An open midi output port to send BCL messages to store: If True, store the preset in the device memory using the given *preset_num*. Default is False preset_num: If *store* is True this is will be the preset number stored on the device. Default is 1 """ blk = self.build_bcl_block() await blk.send(inport, outport) if store: blk = self.build_store_block(preset_num) await blk.send(inport, outport)
[docs] async def send_to_port_name( self, name: str, store: bool = False, preset_num: int = 1 ): """Send the preset to the device and optionally store it using the given port name Opens an :class:`.aioport.IOPort` matching the given name. The input/output ports are then used as described in the :meth:`send` method Arguments: name: The port name store: If True, store the preset in the device memory using the given *preset_num*. Default is False preset_num: If *store* is True this is will be the preset number stored on the device. Default is 1 """ ioport = aioport.IOPort(name) await try: await self.send(ioport.inport, ioport.outport, store, preset_num) finally: await ioport.close()