Source code for jvconnected.interfaces.tslumd.umd_io

from loguru import logger
import asyncio
from typing import Dict, Tuple, Set, Optional

from pydispatch import Dispatcher, Property, DictProperty, ListProperty
from tslumd import Message, Display, Tally, TallyColor, UmdReceiver

from jvconnected.interfaces import Interface
from jvconnected.interfaces.tslumd.mapper import DeviceMapping, MappedDevice

[docs]class UmdIo(Interface): """Main UMD interface """ hostaddr: str = Property('') """Alias for :attr:`tslumd.receiver.UmdReceiver.hostaddr`""" hostport: int = Property(65000) """Alias for :attr:`tslumd.receiver.UmdReceiver.hostport`""" device_maps: Dict[int, DeviceMapping] = DictProperty() """A ``dict`` of :class:`~.mapper.DeviceMapping` definitions stored with their :attr:`~.mapper.DeviceMapping.device_index` as keys """ mapped_devices: Dict[int, MappedDevice] = DictProperty() """A ``dict`` of :class:`~.mapper.MappedDevice` stored with the ``device_index`` of their :attr:`` as keys """
[docs] def on_tally_added(self, tally: Tally): """Fired when a :class:`tslumd.tallyobj.Tally` instance is added to :attr:`tallies` """
[docs] def on_tally_updated(self, tally: Tally): """Fired when any :class:`tslumd.tallyobj.Tally` instance has been updated """
_events_ = ['on_tally_added', 'on_tally_updated'] interface_name = 'tslumd' def __init__(self): self._reading_config = False self._config_read = asyncio.Event() self._connect_lock = asyncio.Lock() super().__init__() self.receiver = UmdReceiver() self.hostaddr = self.receiver.hostaddr self.hostport = self.receiver.hostport self.receiver.bind_async(self.loop, on_tally_added=self._on_receiver_tally_added, on_tally_updated=self._on_receiver_tally_updated, ) self.bind_async(self.loop, config=self.read_config, ) self.bind(**{prop:self.update_config for prop in ['hostaddr', 'hostport']}) @property def tallies(self) -> Dict[int, Tally]: """Alias for :attr:`tslumd.receiver.UmdReceiver.tallies` """ return self.receiver.tallies
[docs] async def set_engine(self, engine: 'jvconnected.engine.Engine'): if engine is self.engine: return if engine.config is not self.config: self._config_read.clear() await super().set_engine(engine) engine.bind_async( self.loop, on_device_added=self.on_engine_device_added, on_device_removed=self.on_engine_device_removed, )
[docs] async def open(self): async with self._connect_lock: if self.running: return logger.debug('') if self.config is not None: await self._config_read.wait() self.running = True await logger.success('UmdIo running')
[docs] async def close(self): async with self._connect_lock: if not self.running: return logger.debug('UmdIo.close()') self.running = False await self.receiver.close() logger.success('UmdIo closed')
[docs] async def set_bind_address(self, hostaddr: str, hostport: int): """Set the :attr:`hostaddr` and :attr:`hostport` and restart the server """ await self.receiver.set_bind_address(hostaddr, hostport) self.hostaddr = self.receiver.hostaddr self.hostport = self.receiver.hostport
[docs] async def set_hostaddr(self, hostaddr: str): """Set the :attr:`hostaddr` and restart the server """ await self.set_bind_address(hostaddr, self.hostport)
[docs] async def set_hostport(self, hostport: int): """Set the :attr:`hostport` and restart the server """ await self.set_bind_address(self.hostaddr, hostport)
async def _on_receiver_tally_added(self, tally, **kwargs): for mapped_device in self.mapped_devices.values(): if mapped_device.have_tallies: continue r = mapped_device.get_tallies() if r: await mapped_device.update_device_tally() self.emit('on_tally_added', tally, **kwargs) async def _on_receiver_tally_updated(self, tally: Tally, props_changed: Set[str], **kwargs): self.emit('on_tally_updated', tally, props_changed, **kwargs) def get_device_by_index(self, ix: int) -> Optional['jvconnected.device.Device']: device = None if self.engine is not None: device_conf = self.engine.config.indexed_devices.get_by_index(ix) if device_conf is not None: device = self.engine.devices.get( return device
[docs] @logger.catch async def add_device_mapping(self, device_map: 'DeviceMapping'): """Add a :class:`~.mapper.DeviceMapping` definition to :attr:`device_maps` and update the :attr:`config`. An instance of :class:`~.mapper.MappedDevice` is also created and associated with its :class:`~jvconnected.device.Device` if found in the :attr:`engine`. """ ix = device_map.device_index self.device_maps[ix] = device_map mapped_device = self.mapped_devices.get(ix) if mapped_device is not None: await mapped_device.set_device(None) del self.mapped_devices[ix] device = self.get_device_by_index(ix) mapped_device = MappedDevice(map=device_map, umd_io=self) self.mapped_devices[ix] = mapped_device await mapped_device.set_device(device) self.update_config()
[docs] async def remove_device_mapping(self, device_index: int): """Remove a :class:`~.mapper.DeviceMapping` and its associated :class:`~.mapper.MappedDevice` by the given device index """ if device_index not in self.device_maps: return del self.device_maps[device_index] mapped_device = self.mapped_devices.get(device_index) if mapped_device is not None: await mapped_device.set_device(None) del self.mapped_devices[device_index] self.update_config()
async def on_engine_device_added(self, device, **kwargs): mapped_device = self.mapped_devices.get(device.device_index) if mapped_device is not None: await mapped_device.set_device(device) async def on_engine_device_removed(self, device, reason, **kwargs): mapped_device = self.mapped_devices.get(device.device_index) if mapped_device is not None: await mapped_device.set_device(None)
[docs] def update_config(self, *args, **kwargs): """Update the :attr:`config` with current state """ if self._reading_config: return if self.config is None: return if not self._config_read.is_set(): return d = self.get_config_section() if d is None: return d['hostaddr'] = self.hostaddr d['hostport'] = self.hostport m = self.device_maps d['device_maps'] = [m[k] for k in sorted(m.keys())]
@logger.catch async def read_config(self, *args, **kwargs): d = self.get_config_section() if d is None: return self._reading_config = True hostaddr = d.get('hostaddr', self.hostaddr) hostport = d.get('hostport', self.hostport) coros = [] for dev_map in d.get('device_maps', []): coros.append(self.add_device_mapping(dev_map)) await asyncio.gather(*coros) await self.set_bind_address(hostaddr, hostport) self._reading_config = False self._config_read.set()
if __name__ == '__main__': loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() umd = UmdIo() loop.run_until_complete( try: loop.run_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: loop.run_until_complete(umd.close()) finally: loop.close()