Source code for jvconnected.ui.models.midi

from loguru import logger
import asyncio
from typing import Optional, ClassVar, Dict, Sequence

from PySide2 import QtCore, QtQml
from PySide2.QtCore import Qt, Property, Signal, Slot

from qasync import QEventLoop, asyncSlot, asyncClose

from jvconnected.utils import IOType
from jvconnected.interfaces.midi import MIDI_AVAILABLE
from jvconnected.ui.utils import GenericQObject, AnnotatedQtSignal as AnnoSignal
from jvconnected.ui.models.engine import EngineModel

[docs]class MidiPortModel(GenericQObject): """Qt Bridge to :class:`jvconnected.interfaces.midi.BasePort` Attributes: parent_model: The parent :class:`MidiPortsModel` container """ _n_name = Signal() _n_index = Signal() _n_isActive = Signal() def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._name = kwargs['name'] self._index = kwargs['index'] self._isActive = kwargs.get('isActive', False) self.parent_model = kwargs['parent_model'] self.midi_io = self.parent_model.midi_io super().__init__(*args) def _g_name(self) -> str: return self._name def _s_name(self, value: str): self._generic_setter('_name', value) name: str = Property(str, _g_name, _s_name, notify=_n_name) """The port name""" def _g_index(self) -> int: return self._index def _s_index(self, value: int): self._generic_setter('_index', value) index: int = Property(int, _g_index, _s_index, notify=_n_index) """The port index""" def _g_isActive(self) -> bool: return self._isActive def _s_isActive(self, value: bool): self._generic_setter('_isActive', value) isActive: bool = Property(bool, _g_isActive, _s_isActive, notify=_n_isActive) """Current state of the port"""
[docs] @asyncSlot(bool) async def setIsActive(self, value: bool): """Set the port state """ assert value is not self.isActive await self.parent_model.setPortActive(, value)
def __repr__(self): return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}: "{self}" (isActive={self.isActive})>' def __str__(self): return
[docs]class MidiPortsModel(GenericQObject): """Base container for :class:`MidiPortModel` instances """ _n_engine = Signal() _n_count = Signal() portAdded: AnnoSignal(port=MidiPortModel) = Signal(MidiPortModel) """Fired when a new port is added""" portRemoved: AnnoSignal(port=MidiPortModel) = Signal(MidiPortModel) """Fired when an existing port is removed""" portsUpdated: AnnoSignal() = Signal() """Fired when any change is made in the container""" io_type: ClassVar[IOType] = IOType.NONE def __init__(self, *args): self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.ports = {} self._engine = None self.midi_io = None super().__init__(*args) def _g_engine(self) -> Optional[EngineModel]: return self._engine def _s_engine(self, value: EngineModel): if value is None or value == self._engine: return assert self._engine is None self._engine = value if MIDI_AVAILABLE: self.set_midi_io(value.engine.midi_io) engine: EngineModel = Property(EngineModel, _g_engine, _s_engine, notify=_n_engine) """The :class:`~jvconnected.ui.models.engine.EngineModel` in use""" def _g_count(self) -> int: return len(self.ports) count: int = Property(int, _g_count, notify=_n_count) """Number of ports""" def set_midi_io(self, midi_io: 'jvconnected.interfaces.midi_io.MidiIO'): self.midi_io = midi_io self.update_ports() midi_io.bind(port_state=self.on_midi_io_port_state) def _get_all_port_names(self): raise NotImplementedError def _get_enabled_port_names(self): raise NotImplementedError def _get_enabled_ports_dict(self): raise NotImplementedError async def _set_port_active(self, name: str, state: bool): raise NotImplementedError @logger.catch def update_ports(self): midi_io = self.midi_io port_names_list = self._get_enabled_port_names() all_ports = self._get_all_port_names() changed = False count = len(self.ports) removed = set(self.ports.keys()) - set(all_ports) if len(removed): changed = True for name in removed: port = self.ports[name] del self.ports[name] self._n_count.emit() self.portRemoved.emit(port) for i, name in enumerate(all_ports): port = self.ports.get(name) active = name in port_names_list if port is not None: if port.index < i and == all_ports[port.index]: continue port_index = port.index assert port_index == i == port.index if port.isActive != active: changed = True port.isActive = active else: changed = True port = MidiPortModel(name=name, index=i, isActive=active, parent_model=self) self.ports[name] = port self._n_count.emit() self.portAdded.emit(port) if changed: self.portsUpdated.emit() @logger.catch def on_midi_io_port_state(self, io_type: IOType, name: str, state: bool, **kwargs): if io_type != self.io_type: return assert name in self.ports port = self.ports[name] if state is not port.isActive: port.isActive = state self.portsUpdated.emit() logger.debug(f'{self}.port_state: io_type={io_type}, name={name}, state={state}, port = {port!r}')
[docs] @asyncSlot(str, bool) async def setPortActive(self, name: str, value: bool): """Enable or disable the port with the given name """ await self._set_port_active(name, value)
[docs] @QtCore.Slot(str, result=MidiPortModel) def getByName(self, name: str) -> MidiPortModel: """Lookup a :class:`port <MidiPortModel>` by :attr:`` """ return self.ports[name]
[docs] @QtCore.Slot(int, result=MidiPortModel) def getByIndex(self, ix: int) -> MidiPortModel: """Lookup a :class:`port <MidiPortModel>` by :attr:`~MidiPortModel.index` """ d = {p.index for p in self.ports.values()} return d[ix]
[docs]class InportsModel(MidiPortsModel): """Container for input ports as :class:`MidiPortModel` instances """ io_type: ClassVar[IOType] = IOType.INPUT def _get_all_port_names(self): return self.midi_io.get_available_inputs() def _get_enabled_port_names(self): return self.midi_io.inport_names def _get_enabled_ports_dict(self): return self.midi_io.inports async def _set_port_active(self, name: str, state: bool): if state: await self.midi_io.add_input(name) else: await self.midi_io.remove_input(name)
[docs]class OutportsModel(MidiPortsModel): """Container for input ports as :class:`MidiPortModel` instances """ io_type: ClassVar[IOType] = IOType.OUTPUT def _get_all_port_names(self): return self.midi_io.get_available_outputs() def _get_enabled_port_names(self): return self.midi_io.outport_names def _get_enabled_ports_dict(self): return self.midi_io.outports async def _set_port_active(self, name: str, state: bool): if state: await self.midi_io.add_output(name) else: await self.midi_io.remove_output(name)
[docs]class DeviceMapModel(GenericQObject): """Representation of a single device/channel map within :class:`DeviceMapsModel` """ _n_deviceId = Signal() _n_channel = Signal() _n_deviceIndex = Signal() _n_deviceName = Signal() _n_isMapped = Signal() _n_isActive = Signal() _n_isOnline = Signal() _n_edited = Signal() dataChanged: AnnoSignal(deviceId=str, attr=str) = Signal(str, str) """Emitted on property changes Arguments: deviceId: The :attr:`deviceId` of the instance emitting the signal attr: The property name that changed """ midi_io: 'jvconnected.interfaces.midi.midi_io.MidiIO' """The active :class:`~jvconnected.interfaces.midi.midi_io.MidiIO` instance """ conf_device: 'jvconnected.config.DeviceConfig' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.midi_io = kwargs['midi_io'] self._deviceId = kwargs['deviceId'] self.conf_device = kwargs['conf_device'] self._deviceIndex = self.conf_device.device_index self._deviceName = self.conf_device.display_name channel = self.midi_io.device_channel_map.get(self._deviceId, -1) self._isMapped = channel is not None self._isOnline = self._deviceId in self.midi_io.mapped_devices self._channel = channel self._edited = False super().__init__(*args) self.midi_io.bind( device_channel_map=self.on_midi_io_device_channel_map, mapped_devices=self.on_midi_io_mapped_devices, ) self.conf_device.bind( device_index=self.on_conf_device_index, display_name=self.on_conf_device_name, ) def _g_deviceId(self) -> str: return self._deviceId def _s_deviceId(self, value: str): self._generic_setter('_deviceId', value) deviceId: str = Property(str, _g_deviceId, _s_deviceId, notify=_n_deviceId) """The :attr:`device_id <>` associated with this instance """ def _g_deviceName(self) -> str: return self._deviceName def _s_deviceName(self, value: str): changed = self._deviceName != value if changed: self._deviceName = value self._emit_change('deviceName') deviceName: str = Property(str, _g_deviceName, _s_deviceName, notify=_n_deviceName) """The :attr:`display_name <jvconnected.config.DeviceConfig.display_name>` of the device """ def _g_isMapped(self) -> bool: return self._isMapped def _s_isMapped(self, value: bool): changed = self._isMapped != value if changed: self._isMapped = value self._emit_change('isMapped') isMapped: bool = Property(bool, _g_isMapped, _s_isMapped, notify=_n_isMapped) """True if the device is mapped to a Midi channel """ def _g_isOnline(self) -> bool: return self._isOnline def _s_isOnline(self, value: bool): changed = value != self._isOnline if changed: self._isOnline = value self._emit_change('isOnline') isOnline: bool = Property(bool, _g_isOnline, _s_isOnline, notify=_n_isOnline) """True if the device is currently online """ def _g_channel(self) -> int: return self._channel def _s_channel(self, value: int): changed = value != self._channel if changed: self._channel = value self._emit_change('channel') self.isMapped = value >= 0 self.edited = value != self.get_current_channel() channel: int = Property(int, _g_channel, _s_channel, notify=_n_channel) """If :attr:`edited` is True, the midi channel to assign to the device. Otherwise the channel currently assigned Allowed values are from 0 to 15 and ``-1`` is used to indicate no assignment (where :attr:`isMapped` is False) """ def _g_deviceIndex(self) -> int: return self._deviceIndex def _s_deviceIndex(self, value: int): changed = value != self._deviceIndex if changed: self._deviceIndex = value self._emit_change('deviceIndex') deviceIndex: int = Property(int, _g_deviceIndex, _s_deviceIndex, notify=_n_deviceIndex) """The :attr:`~jvconnected.config.DeviceConfig.device_index` """ def _g_edited(self) -> bool: return self._edited def _s_edited(self, value: bool): changed = value != self._edited if changed: self._edited = value self._emit_change('edited') edited: bool = Property(bool, _g_edited, _s_edited, notify=_n_edited) """True if the :attr:`channel` has been edited by the user """
[docs] @Slot() def reset(self): """Reset the :attr:`channel` to its original value """ = self.get_current_channel()
def _emit_change(self, attr: str): notify_sig = getattr(self, f'_n_{attr}') notify_sig.emit() self.dataChanged.emit(self.deviceId, attr)
[docs] def get_current_channel(self) -> int: """Get the midi channel currently assigned within :attr:`midi_io`. ``-1`` is returned if there is not assigned channel """ d = self.midi_io.device_channel_map return d.get(self._deviceId, -1)
def on_midi_io_device_channel_map(self, instance, value, **kwargs): if self.edited: return self._update_channel() def _update_channel(self): channel = self.midi_io.device_channel_map.get(self._deviceId, -1) self.edited = channel != self._channel = channel def on_midi_io_mapped_devices(self, instance, value, **kwargs): self.isOnline = self._deviceId in value def on_conf_device_index(self, instance, value, **kwargs): if value is None: return self.deviceIndex = value def on_conf_device_name(self, instance, value, **kwargs): self.deviceName = value def __repr__(self): return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}: "{self}">' def __str__(self): return self.deviceId
[docs]class SortFilterProxyModel(QtCore.QSortFilterProxyModel): """Sortable proxy model for :class:`DeviceMapsModel` """ @Slot(int, int) def setSorting(self, column: int, order: int): self.sort(column, order)
[docs]class DeviceMapsModel(QtCore.QAbstractTableModel): """A table model used to interface with :class:`~jvconnected.interfaces.midi.MidiIO` device mapping :class:`DeviceMapsModel` instances are created for each device within :attr:`jvconnected.config.Config.devices` and their :attr:`` values are read from :attr:`MidiIO <MidiIO.device_channel_map>`. Changes to the channel assignments are stored temporarily until :meth:`applied <apply>` or :meth:`reset <reset>` """ _n_engine = Signal() _n_proxyModel = Signal() _n_sortColumn = Signal() role_attrs: ClassVar[Sequence[str]] = [ 'deviceId', 'deviceIndex', 'deviceName', 'channel', 'isOnline', 'isMapped', 'edited', ] """:class:`DeviceMapModel` property names used to populate the table columns """ midi_io: 'jvconnected.interfaces.midi.midi_io.MidiIO' """The :class:`~jvconnected.interfaces.midi.midi_io.MidiIO` instance within the :attr:`engine` """ role_names: Dict[Qt.ItemDataRole, bytes] """:obj:`PySide2.QtCore.Qt.UserRole` mapped to each property defined in :attr:`role_attrs` This is convoluted, weird, cumbersome and many other adjectives, but it seems to be the only way to make :class:`PySide2.QtCore.QAbstractTableModel` act like a table. No clue why "roles" are necessary to access columns since that's all a table is supposed to be ``¯\_(ツ)_/¯`` """ def __init__(self, *args): self.map_indices = [] self.map_objs = {} self._sort_role = Qt.UserRole roles = [Qt.UserRole+i+1 for i in range(len(self.role_attrs))] self.role_names = {role:attr.encode() for role, attr in zip(roles, self.role_attrs)} self.role_names[self._sort_role] = b'__sort_role__' self._engine = None self.midi_io = None self._proxyModel = None self._sortColumn = 0 super().__init__(*args) self.proxyModel = QtCore.QSortFilterProxyModel() self.proxyModel.setSourceModel(self) self.proxyModel.setSortRole(self._sort_role) def _g_engine(self) -> Optional[EngineModel]: return self._engine def _s_engine(self, value: EngineModel): if value is None or value == self._engine: return assert self._engine is None self._engine = value midi_io = value.engine.interfaces.get('midi') if midi_io is not None: self.set_midi_io(midi_io) engine: EngineModel = Property(EngineModel, _g_engine, _s_engine, notify=_n_engine) """The :class:`~jvconnected.ui.models.engine.EngineModel` in use""" def _g_proxyModel(self): return self._proxyModel def _s_proxyModel(self, value): if value is self._proxyModel: return self._proxyModel = value self._n_proxyModel.emit() proxyModel: SortFilterProxyModel = Property( QtCore.QAbstractItemModel, _g_proxyModel, _s_proxyModel, notify=_n_proxyModel, ) """An attached :class:`SortFilterProxyModel` instance """ def _g_sortColumn(self) -> int: return self._sortColumn def _s_sortColumn(self, value: int): if value == self._sortColumn: return self._sortColumn = value self._n_sortColumn.emit() sortColumn: int = Property(int, _g_sortColumn, _s_sortColumn, notify=_n_sortColumn) """The current sort column (index of the current :attr:`role_name <role_names>`) """
[docs] @Slot(str, Qt.SortOrder) def setSorting(self, role_name: str, order: Qt.SortOrder): """Sort the :attr:`proxyModel` by the given :attr:`role_name <role_names>` """ column = self.role_attrs.index(role_name) self.sortColumn = column self.proxyModel.sort(column, order)
[docs] @Slot(str, result=int) def incrementChannel(self, device_id: str) -> int: """Increment the :attr:`` for the given device_id by at least one. Existing channel mappings are skipped and if the channel number would be out of range, no changes are made. """ map_obj = self.map_objs[device_id] channel = + 1 if channel > 15: return channel = self._get_next_channel(device_id, channel, decrement=False) if channel == -1: return = channel return channel
[docs] @Slot(str, result=int) def decrementChannel(self, device_id: str) -> int: """Decrease the :attr:`` for the given device_id by at least one. Existing channel mappings are skipped and if the channel number would be out of range, no changes are made. This only affects the temporary value in the model. """ map_obj = self.map_objs[device_id] channel = - 1 if channel <= 0: return channel = self._get_next_channel(device_id, channel, decrement=True) if channel == -1: return = channel return channel
[docs] @Slot(str) def unassignChannel(self, device_id: str): """Unassign the channel for the given device This only affects the temporary value in the model. """ map_obj = self.map_objs[device_id] = -1
[docs] @Slot(str) def resetChannel(self, device_id: str): """Reset the channel for the given device This only affects the temporary value in the model. """ map_obj = self.map_objs[device_id] map_obj.reset()
def _validate_channel(self, device_id: str, channel: int) -> bool: if channel == -1: return True for map_obj in self.map_objs.values(): if map_obj.deviceId == device_id: continue if == -1: continue elif == channel: return False return True def _get_next_channel(self, device_id: str, channel: int, decrement: bool = False) -> int: all_channels = set(range(16)) in_use = set([ for map_obj in self.map_objs.values() if map_obj.deviceId != device_id]) in_use.discard(-1) available = all_channels - in_use if channel in available: return channel if decrement: available = set([i for i in available if i < channel]) if not len(available): return -1 return max(available) else: available = set([i for i in available if i > channel]) if not len(available): return -1 return min(available) @property def config(self): return self.engine.engine.config def set_midi_io(self, midi_io: 'jvconnected.interfaces.midi_io.MidiIO'): self.midi_io = midi_io self.update_maps() self.engine.engine.bind(on_config_device_added=self.update_maps) @asyncSlot(str) async def unmapDevice(self, device_id: str): await self.midi_io.unmap_device(device_id, unassign_channel=True) @asyncSlot(str, int) async def mapDevice(self, device_id: str, midi_channel: int): await self.midi_io.map_device(device_id, midi_channel=midi_channel) @asyncSlot(str, int) async def remapDevice(self, device_id: str, midi_channel: int): await self.midi_io.remap_device_channel(device_id, midi_channel=midi_channel) assert self.midi_io.device_channel_map[device_id] == midi_channel assert self.midi_io.channel_device_map[midi_channel] == device_id
[docs] @asyncSlot() async def apply(self): """Apply any changes made to the :attr:`` mappings Remaps the necessary device/channel mappings in :attr:`midi_io` """ maps = { for devId,map_obj in self.map_objs.items() if map_obj.edited } if not len(maps): return logger.debug(f'remapping: {maps}') for device_id, channel in maps.items(): await self.midi_io.unmap_device(device_id, unassign_channel=True) map_obj = self.map_objs[device_id] map_obj._update_channel() assert not map_obj.isMapped for device_id, channel in maps.items(): if channel == -1: continue map_obj = self.map_objs[device_id] await self.midi_io.remap_device_channel(device_id, channel) assert == channel assert not map_obj.edited
[docs] @Slot() def reset(self): """Reset all edited channels back to their original states """ for map_obj in self.map_objs.values(): map_obj.reset()
def _add_map(self, device_id: str): if device_id in self.map_objs: return conf_device = self.config.devices[device_id] insert_ix = len(self.map_indices) map_obj = DeviceMapModel( midi_io=self.midi_io, deviceId=device_id, conf_device=conf_device, # index=insert_ix, ) self.map_objs[device_id] = map_obj self.beginInsertRows(QtCore.QModelIndex(), insert_ix, insert_ix) map_obj.dataChanged.connect(self.onMapObjDataChanged) self.map_indices.append(device_id) self.endInsertRows() def _remove_map(self, device_id: str): map_obj = self.map_objs[device_id] ix = self.map_indices.index(device_id) self.beginRemoveRows(QtCore.QModelIndex(), ix, ix) del self.map_objs[device_id] del self.map_indices[ix] self.endRemoveRows()
[docs] def roleNames(self): return self.role_names
[docs] def columnCount(self, parent): if parent.isValid(): return 0 return len(self.role_names)
[docs] def rowCount(self, parent): return len(self.map_indices)
[docs] def flags(self, index): return Qt.ItemFlags.ItemIsEnabled
[docs] def data(self, index, role): if not index.isValid(): return None row = index.row() col = index.column() device_id = self.map_indices[row] if False:#col > 0: attr = self.role_attrs[col] elif role == self._sort_role: attr = self.role_attrs[self.sortColumn] else: attr = self.role_names[role].decode('UTF-8') map_obj = self.map_objs[device_id] return getattr(map_obj, attr)
def onMapObjDataChanged(self, deviceId: str, attr: str): if deviceId not in self.map_indices: return map_obj = self.map_objs[deviceId] value = getattr(map_obj, attr) # logger.debug(f'dataChanged: {deviceId=}, {attr=}, {value=}') attr_ix = self.role_attrs.index(attr) row_ix = self.map_indices.index(deviceId) ix = self.createIndex(row_ix, attr_ix) self.dataChanged.emit(ix, ix) def update_maps(self, *args, **kwargs): old_keys = set(self.map_indices) new_keys = set(self.config.devices.keys()) added = new_keys - old_keys removed = old_keys - new_keys for device_id in removed: self._remove_map(device_id) for device_id in added: self._add_map(device_id)
MODEL_CLASSES = ( MidiPortModel, InportsModel, OutportsModel, DeviceMapModel, DeviceMapsModel, SortFilterProxyModel, ) def register_qml_types(): for cls in MODEL_CLASSES: QtQml.qmlRegisterType(cls, 'MidiModels', 1, 0, cls.__name__)