Source code for jvconnected.ui.models.tslumd

from loguru import logger
import asyncio
import enum
import dataclasses
from typing import Optional, List, Dict, Tuple, Set, Any
from bisect import bisect_left

from PySide2 import QtCore, QtQml, QtGui
from PySide2.QtCore import Property, Signal
from PySide2.QtCore import Qt

from qasync import QEventLoop, asyncSlot, asyncClose
from tslumd import Tally, TallyType, TallyColor, TallyKey

from jvconnected.ui.utils import GenericQObject
from jvconnected.ui.models.engine import EngineModel

from jvconnected.interfaces.tslumd import UmdIo
from jvconnected.interfaces.tslumd.mapper import DeviceMapping, TallyMap

[docs]class UmdModel(GenericQObject): """Qt bridge to :class:`jvconnected.interfaces.tslumd.umd_io.UmdIo` """ _n_engine = Signal() _n_running = Signal() _n_hostaddr = Signal() _n_hostport = Signal() _n_editedProperties = Signal() _editable_properties = ('hostaddr', 'hostport') umd_io: UmdIo """:class:`~jvconnected.interfaces.tslumd.umd_io.UmdIo` instance""" def __init__(self, *args): self._engine = None self._running = False self._hostaddr = '' self._hostport = 0 self._editedProperties = [] self.umd_io = None self._updating_from_interface = False super().__init__(*args) def _g_engine(self) -> Optional[EngineModel]: return self._engine def _s_engine(self, value: EngineModel): if value is None or value == self._engine: return assert self._engine is None self._engine = value self.umd_io = value.engine.interfaces['tslumd'] self.running = self.umd_io.running self.hostaddr = self.umd_io.hostaddr self.hostport = self.umd_io.hostport self.umd_io.bind( running=self.on_interface_running, hostaddr=self.on_interface_hostaddr, hostport=self.on_interface_hostport, ) engine: EngineModel = Property( EngineModel, _g_engine, _s_engine, notify=_n_engine, ) """The :class:`~jvconnected.ui.models.engine.EngineModel` in use""" def _g_running(self) -> bool: return self._running def _s_running(self, value: bool): self._generic_setter('_running', value) running: bool = Property(bool, _g_running, _s_running, notify=_n_running) """Alias for :class:`jvconnected.interfaces.tslumd.umd_io.UmdIo.running`""" def _g_hostaddr(self) -> str: return self._hostaddr def _s_hostaddr(self, value: str): self._generic_setter('_hostaddr', value) hostaddr: str = Property(str, _g_hostaddr, _s_hostaddr, notify=_n_hostaddr) """Alias for :class:`jvconnected.interfaces.tslumd.umd_io.UmdIo.hostaddr`""" def _g_hostport(self) -> int: return self._hostport def _s_hostport(self, value: int): self._generic_setter('_hostport', value) hostport: int = Property(int, _g_hostport, _s_hostport, notify=_n_hostport) """Alias for :class:`jvconnected.interfaces.tslumd.umd_io.UmdIo.hostport`""" def _g_editedProperties(self) -> List[str]: return self._editedProperties def _s_editedProperties(self, value: List[str]): self._generic_setter('_editedProperties', value) editedProperties: List[str] = Property('QVariantList', _g_editedProperties, _s_editedProperties, notify=_n_editedProperties, ) """A list of attributes that have changed and are waiting to be set on the :attr:`umd_io` """
[docs] @asyncSlot() async def sendValuesToInterface(self): """Update the :attr:`umd_io` values for any attributes currently in :attr:`editedProperties`. After all values are set, the :attr:`editedProperties` list is emptied. """ self._updating_from_interface = True d = {attr:getattr(self, attr) for attr in self.editedProperties} if 'hostaddr' in d and 'hostport' in d: await self.umd_io.set_bind_address(d['hostaddr'], d['hostport']) elif 'hostaddr' in d: await self.umd_io.set_hostaddr(d['hostaddr']) elif 'hostport' in d: await self.umd_io.set_hostport(d['hostport']) self.editedProperties = [] self._updating_from_interface = False
[docs] @asyncSlot() async def getValuesFromInterface(self): """Get the current values from the :attr:`umd_io` Changes made to anything in :attr:`editedProperties` are overwritten and the list is cleared. """ self._updating_from_interface = True for attr in self._editable_properties: val = getattr(self.umd_io, attr) setattr(self, attr, val) self.editedProperties = [] self._updating_from_interface = False
[docs] def _generic_setter(self, attr, value): super()._generic_setter(attr, value) attr = attr.lstrip('_') if attr == 'editedProperties': return props = set(self.editedProperties) if attr in self._editable_properties: if self._updating_from_interface or self.umd_io is None: return if attr in props: return if getattr(self.umd_io, attr) == value: props.discard(attr) else: props.add(attr) self.editedProperties = list(sorted(props))
def on_interface_running(self, instance, value, **kwargs): self.running = value def on_interface_hostaddr(self, instance, value, **kwargs): if 'hostaddr' not in self.editedProperties: self.hostaddr = value def on_interface_hostport(self, instance, value, **kwargs): if 'hostport' not in self.editedProperties: self.hostport = value
[docs]class TallyRoles(enum.IntEnum): """Role definitions to specify column mapping in :class:`TallyListModel` to a :obj:`PySide2.QtQuick.TableView` """ screenIndexRole = Qt.UserRole + 1 #: Screen index tallyIndexRole = Qt.UserRole + 2 #: Tally index RhTallyRole = Qt.UserRole + 3 #: rhTally TxtTallyRole = Qt.UserRole + 4 #: txtTally LhTallyRole = Qt.UserRole + 5 #: lhTally TextRole = int(Qt.DisplayRole) #: text
[docs] def get_tally_prop(self) -> str: """Get the attribute name of this role mapped to :class:`jvconnected.interfaces.tslumd.umd_io.Tally` """ prop ='Role')[0] if prop == 'screenIndex': return 'screen.index' elif prop == 'tallyIndex': return 'index' elif 'Tally' in prop: s = prop.split('Tally')[0].lower() return f'{s}_tally' return prop.lower()
[docs] def get_tally_prop_value(self, tally: Tally) -> Any: """Get the value associated with this role from the given :class:`tslumd.tallyobj.Tally` """ prop = self.get_tally_prop() if '.' in prop: obj = tally for attr in prop.split('.'): obj = getattr(obj, attr) return obj return getattr(tally, prop)
[docs] def get_qt_prop(self) -> str: """Get the camel-case name of this role used in Qml """ prop ='Role')[0] if 'Index' in prop: return prop if 'Tally' in prop: s = prop.split('Tally')[0].lower() return f'{s}Tally' return prop.lower()
[docs]class TallyListModel(QtCore.QAbstractTableModel): """Table Model for :class:`jvconnected.interfaces.tslumd.umd_io.Tally` objects """ _n_engine = Signal() _roles = tuple((role for role in TallyRoles)) tally_key_indices: List[TallyKey] """Used to keep the table row in sync with the item key within :attr:`tallies` """ umd_io: UmdIo """:class:`~jvconnected.interfaces.tslumd.umd_io.UmdIo` instance""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._engine = None self.umd_io = None self._row_count = 0 self.tally_key_indices = [] super().__init__(*args) def _g_engine(self) -> Optional[EngineModel]: return self._engine def _s_engine(self, value: EngineModel): if value is None or value == self._engine: return assert self._engine is None self._engine = value self.umd_io = value.engine.interfaces['tslumd'] self._init_interface() engine: EngineModel = Property(EngineModel, _g_engine, _s_engine, notify=_n_engine) """The :class:`~jvconnected.ui.models.engine.EngineModel` in use""" @property def tallies(self) -> Optional[Dict[TallyKey, Tally]]: """Shortcut for :attr:`~jvconnected.interfaces.tslumd.umd_io.UmdIo.tallies` on :attr:`umd_io` """ if self.umd_io is None: return None return self.umd_io.tallies def _init_interface(self): for tally in self.umd_io.tallies.values(): self.add_tally(tally) self.umd_io.bind(on_tally_added=self.add_tally) def add_tally(self, tally: Tally): insert_ix = bisect_left(self.tally_key_indices, self.beginInsertRows(QtCore.QModelIndex(), insert_ix, insert_ix) self.tally_key_indices.insert(insert_ix, self.endInsertRows() tally.bind(on_update=self.update_tally) def get_props_from_tally(self, tally: Tally, props_changed: Optional[Set[str]] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: props = {} for i, role in enumerate(TallyRoles): prop = role.get_tally_prop() if props_changed is not None and prop in props_changed: continue val = role.get_tally_prop_value(tally) props[i] = val return props def update_tally(self, tally: Tally, props_changed: Set[str]): row_ix = self.tally_key_indices.index( props = self.get_props_from_tally(tally, props_changed) tl = self.index(row_ix, min(props.keys())) br = self.index(row_ix, max(props.keys())) self.dataChanged.emit(tl, br)
[docs] def roleNames(self): return {m:m.get_qt_prop().encode() for m in TallyRoles.__members__.values()}
[docs] def columnCount(self, parent): return len(self._roles)
[docs] def rowCount(self, parent): return len(self.tally_key_indices)
[docs] def flags(self, index): return Qt.ItemFlags.ItemIsEnabled
[docs] @QtCore.Slot(int, result='QVariantList') def getTallyKeyForRow(self, row: int) -> TallyKey: """Get the key within :attr:`tallies` for the given row """ return self.tally_key_indices[row]
@QtCore.Slot(int, result=str) def getTallyTypeForColumn(self, column: int) -> str: role = self._roles[column] return role.get_tally_prop()
[docs] def data(self, index, role): if not index.isValid(): return None key = self.tally_key_indices[index.row()] tallies = self.tallies if tallies is None: tally = None else: tally = tallies[key] if tally is None: return None role = TallyRoles(role) val = role.get_tally_prop_value(tally) if isinstance(val, TallyColor): val = if val.lower() == 'amber': val = 'yellow' return val
[docs]class TallyMapListModel(QtCore.QAbstractTableModel): """Table Model for :class:`jvconnected.interfaces.tslumd.mapper.DeviceMapping` objects """ _prop_attrs = ( 'device_index', 'program.screen_index', 'program.tally_index', 'program.tally_type', 'preview.screen_index', 'preview.tally_index', 'preview.tally_type', ) _n_engine = Signal() umd_io: UmdIo """:class:`~jvconnected.interfaces.tslumd.umd_io.UmdIo` instance""" map_indices: List[int] """Used to keep the table row in sync with the item key within :attr:`maps` """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._engine = None self.umd_io = None self._row_count = 0 self.map_indices = [] self._role_names = {Qt.UserRole+i+6:attr.encode() for i, attr in enumerate(self._prop_attrs)} super().__init__(*args) def _g_engine(self) -> Optional[EngineModel]: return self._engine def _s_engine(self, value: EngineModel): if value is None or value == self._engine: return assert self._engine is None self._engine = value self.umd_io = value.engine.interfaces['tslumd'] self._init_interface() engine: EngineModel = Property(EngineModel, _g_engine, _s_engine, notify=_n_engine) """The :class:`~jvconnected.ui.models.engine.EngineModel` in use""" @property def maps(self) -> Optional[Dict[int, DeviceMapping]]: """Shortcut for :attr:`~jvconnected.interfaces.tslumd.umd_io.UmdIo.device_maps` of the :attr:`umd_io` """ if self.umd_io is None: return None return self.umd_io.device_maps
[docs] @QtCore.Slot(int, result=int) def getIndexForRow(self, row: int) -> int: """Get the key within :attr:`maps` for the given row """ return self.map_indices[row]
def iter_maps(self): maps = self.maps if maps is None: yield from [] else: for key in sorted(maps.keys()): yield key, maps[key] def _init_interface(self): for ix, dev_map in self.iter_maps(): self.add_map(dev_map) self.umd_io.bind(device_maps=self.on_umd_io_device_maps) def add_map(self, dev_map: DeviceMapping): insert_ix = bisect_left(self.map_indices, dev_map.device_index) self.beginInsertRows(QtCore.QModelIndex(), insert_ix, insert_ix) self.map_indices.insert(insert_ix, dev_map.device_index) self.endInsertRows() def remove_map(self, device_index: int): ix = self.map_indices.index(device_index) self.beginRemoveRows(QtCore.QModelIndex(), ix, ix) del self.map_indices[ix] self.endRemoveRows() def on_umd_io_device_maps(self, instance, device_maps, **kwargs): new_keys = set(device_maps.keys()) old_keys = set(self.map_indices) added = new_keys - old_keys removed = old_keys - new_keys for device_index in removed: self.remove_map(device_index) for device_index in added: self.add_map(device_maps[device_index])
[docs] def roleNames(self): return self._role_names
def columnCount(self, parent): return len(self._prop_attrs)
[docs] def columnCount(self, parent): return len(self._prop_attrs)
[docs] def rowCount(self, parent): return len(self.map_indices)
[docs] def flags(self, index): return Qt.ItemFlags.ItemIsEnabled
[docs] def data(self, index, role): if not index.isValid(): return None ix = self.map_indices[index.row()] dev_map = self.maps[ix] attr = self._role_names[role].decode('UTF-8') if '.' in attr: tmap = getattr(dev_map, attr.split('.')[0]) value = getattr(tmap, attr.split('.')[1]) if isinstance(value, TallyType): value = return str(value) else: return str(getattr(dev_map, attr))
[docs] @asyncSlot(int) async def unMapByRow(self, row: int): """Remove a :class:`~jvconnected.interfaces.tslumd.mapper.DeviceMapping` from the :attr:`umd_io`. See :meth:`jvconnected.interfaces.tslumd.umd_io.UmdIo.remove_device_mapping` Arguments: row (int): The table row index """ ix = self.map_indices[row] await self.umd_io.remove_device_mapping(ix)
[docs]class TallyMapBase(GenericQObject): _n_tallyKey = Signal() _n_screenIndex = Signal() _n_tallyIndex = Signal() _n_tallyType = Signal() def __init__(self, *args): self._screenIndex = -1 self._tallyIndex = -1 self._tallyType = '' super().__init__(*args) def _g_tallyKey(self) -> TallyKey: return [self.screenIndex, self.tallyIndex] def _s_tallyKey(self, value: TallyKey): scr, tly = value if scr != self.screenIndex: self.screenIndex = scr if tly != self.tallyIndex: self.tallyIndex = tly tallyKey: Tuple[int, int] = Property('QVariantList', _g_tallyKey, _s_tallyKey, notify=_n_tallyKey, ) """Tuple of :attr:`screenIndex`, :attr:`tallyIndex` matching :attr:`jvconnected.interfaces.tslumd.mapper.TallyMap.tally_key` """ def _g_screenIndex(self) -> int: return self._screenIndex def _s_screenIndex(self, value: int): changed = value == self._screenIndex self._generic_setter('_screenIndex', value) if changed: self._n_tallyKey.emit() screenIndex: int = Property(int, _g_screenIndex, _s_screenIndex, notify=_n_screenIndex) """Alias for :attr:`jvconnected.interfaces.tslumd.mapper.TallyMap.screen_index`""" def _g_tallyIndex(self) -> int: return self._tallyIndex def _s_tallyIndex(self, value: int): changed = value == self._tallyIndex self._generic_setter('_tallyIndex', value) if changed: self._n_tallyKey.emit() tallyIndex: int = Property(int, _g_tallyIndex, _s_tallyIndex, notify=_n_tallyIndex) """Alias for :attr:`jvconnected.interfaces.tslumd.mapper.TallyMap.tally_index`""" def _g_tallyType(self) -> str: return self._tallyType def _s_tallyType(self, value: str): self._generic_setter('_tallyType', value) tallyType: str = Property(str, _g_tallyType, _s_tallyType, notify=_n_tallyType) """Alias for :attr:`jvconnected.interfaces.tslumd.mapper.TallyMap.tally_type` """
[docs]class TallyMapModel(TallyMapBase): _n_deviceIndex = Signal() _n_destTallyType = Signal() def __init__(self, *args): self._deviceIndex = -1 self._destTallyType = '' super().__init__(*args) def _g_deviceIndex(self) -> int: return self._deviceIndex def _s_deviceIndex(self, value: int): self._generic_setter('_deviceIndex', value) deviceIndex: int = Property(int, _g_deviceIndex, _s_deviceIndex, notify=_n_deviceIndex) """Alias for :attr:`jvconnected.interfaces.tslumd.mapper.DeviceMapping.device_index`""" def _g_destTallyType(self) -> str: return self._destTallyType def _s_destTallyType(self, value: str): self._generic_setter('_destTallyType', value) destTallyType: str = Property(str, _g_destTallyType, _s_destTallyType, notify=_n_destTallyType) """The destination tally type to map to the device (``'Preview'`` or ``'Program'``)"""
[docs] @QtCore.Slot(result=bool) def checkValid(self) -> bool: """Check validity of current parameters """ if -1 in self.tallyKey: return False if max(self.tallyKey) >= 0xfffe: return False if self.tallyType not in TallyType.__members__: return False if getattr(TallyType, self.tallyType) == TallyType.no_tally: return False if self.destTallyType.lower() not in ['preview', 'program']: return False return True
[docs] @asyncSlot(UmdModel) async def applyMap(self, umd_model: UmdModel): """Add a :class:`~jvconnected.interfaces.tslumd.mapper.DeviceMapping` to the :attr:`UmdModel.umd_io` using :meth:`jvconnected.interfaces.tslumd.umd_io.UmdIo.add_device_mapping` """ await self._apply_map(umd_model)
@logger.catch async def _apply_map(self, umd_model: UmdModel): assert self.checkValid() umd_io = umd_model.umd_io dev_map = umd_io.device_maps.get(self.deviceIndex) if dev_map is None: dev_map = self.create_device_map() else: dev_map = self.merge_with_device_map(dev_map) await umd_io.add_device_mapping(dev_map)
[docs] def create_device_map(self) -> DeviceMapping: """Create a :class:`~jvconnected.interfaces.tslumd.mapper.DeviceMapping` with the current values of this instance """ kw = dict(device_index=self.deviceIndex) tmap = TallyMap( screen_index=self.screenIndex, tally_index=self.tallyIndex, tally_type=getattr(TallyType, self.tallyType), ) kw[self.destTallyType.lower()] = tmap return DeviceMapping(**kw)
[docs] def merge_with_device_map(self, existing_map: DeviceMapping) -> DeviceMapping: """Merge an existing :class:`~jvconnected.interfaces.tslumd.mapper.DeviceMapping` with one created by :meth:`create_device_map` """ my_map = self.create_device_map() attr = self.destTallyType.lower() kw = {attr:getattr(my_map, attr)} return dataclasses.replace(existing_map, **kw)
[docs]class TallyCreateMapModel(GenericQObject): _n_deviceIndex = Signal() _n_program = Signal() _n_preview = Signal() def __init__(self, *args): self._deviceIndex = -1 self._program = None self._preview = None super().__init__(*args) self.program = TallyMapModel(self) self.program.destTallyType = 'Program' self.preview = TallyMapModel(self) self.preview.destTallyType = 'Preview' def _g_deviceIndex(self) -> int: return self._deviceIndex def _s_deviceIndex(self, value: int): self._generic_setter('_deviceIndex', value) self.program.deviceIndex = value self.preview.deviceIndex = value deviceIndex: int = Property(int, _g_deviceIndex, _s_deviceIndex, notify=_n_deviceIndex) """The device index""" def _g_program(self) -> TallyMapModel: return self._program def _s_program(self, value: TallyMapModel): self._generic_setter('_program', value) program: TallyMapModel = Property(TallyMapModel, _g_program, _s_program, notify=_n_program, ) """Instance of :class:`TallyMapModel` to be used for program tally""" def _g_preview(self) -> TallyMapModel: return self._preview def _s_preview(self, value: TallyMapModel): self._generic_setter('_preview', value) preview: TallyMapModel = Property(TallyMapModel, _g_preview, _s_preview, notify=_n_preview, ) """Instance of :class:`TallyMapModel` to be used for preview tally"""
[docs] @QtCore.Slot(result=bool) def checkValid(self) -> bool: """Check validity of current parameters Calls :meth:`~TallyMapModel.checkValid` on both :attr:`program` and :attr:`preview` objects """ assert self.program.destTallyType == 'Program' assert self.preview.destTallyType == 'Preview' if self.deviceIndex == -1: return False if not self.program.checkValid(): return False if not self.preview.checkValid(): return False return True
[docs] @asyncSlot(UmdModel) async def applyMap(self, umd_model: UmdModel): """Add a :class:`~jvconnected.interfaces.tslumd.mapper.DeviceMapping` to the :attr:`UmdModel.umd_io` using :meth:`jvconnected.interfaces.tslumd.umd_io.UmdIo.add_device_mapping`. The values from the :attr:`program` and :attr:`preview` objects are merged """ await self._apply_map(umd_model)
@logger.catch async def _apply_map(self, umd_model: UmdModel): assert self.checkValid() umd_io = umd_model.umd_io dev_map = self.program.create_device_map() dev_map = self.preview.merge_with_device_map(dev_map) await umd_io.add_device_mapping(dev_map)
[docs]class TallyUnmapModel(TallyMapBase): @QtCore.Slot(UmdModel, result='QVariantList') def getMappedDeviceIndices(self, umd_model: UmdModel) -> List[int]: d = self.get_mapped(umd_model) return list(sorted(d.keys())) def get_mapped(self, umd_model: UmdModel): d = {} for device_index, device_map in umd_model.umd_io.device_maps.items(): for attr in ['program', 'preview']: tmap = getattr(device_map, attr) if tmap.tally_key != self.tallyKey: continue if tmap.tally_type == TallyType.no_tally: continue if device_index not in d: d[device_index] = {'map':device_map, 'matching':set()} d[device_index]['matching'].add(attr) return d @asyncSlot(UmdModel, 'QVariantList') async def unmapByIndices(self, umd_model: UmdModel, indices: List[int]): data = self.get_mapped(umd_model) umd_io = umd_model.umd_io for ix in indices: if ix not in data: continue d = data[ix] device_map = d['map'] if 'program' in d['matching'] and 'preview' in d['matching']: await umd_io.remove_device_mapping(ix) continue elif 'program' in d['matching']: attr = 'program' elif 'preview' in d['matching']: attr = 'preview' else: raise Exception() tmap = TallyMap(tally_type=TallyType.no_tally) new_device_map = dataclasses.replace(device_map, **{attr:tmap}) logger.debug(f'{new_device_map}') await umd_io.add_device_mapping(new_device_map)
MODEL_CLASSES = ( UmdModel, TallyListModel, TallyMapListModel, TallyMapModel, TallyCreateMapModel, TallyUnmapModel, ) def register_qml_types(): for cls in MODEL_CLASSES: QtQml.qmlRegisterType(cls, 'UmdModels', 1, 0, cls.__name__)